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NRMN Webinar Recording - How to Handle More than One Mentor to Achieve Excellence

Cashen Almstead

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Cashen Almstead

 NRMN Mentoring Excellence Webinar Series: How to Handle More then One Mentor to Achieve Excellence

This webinar is a segment of a 3 part series that highlighting resources and practices that will lead to enriched mentoring experiences. Be sure to check our NRMN YouTube Chanel to get notifications on these amazing webinars! 
February 20th. - "How to Handle More than One Mentor to Achieve Excellence"
March 12th - "Power of Saying No"
March 19th - "Challenges of Mentoring URM (PEER) Trainees in STEM"

Antetnor Othrell Hinton Jr., Ph.D. 
Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow
Burroughs Wellcome Fund Postdoctoral Enrichment Scholar
Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Iowa
Department of Internal Medicine
Dr. Dale Abel's Laboratory

Haysetta Shuler Ph.D. 
Academic and Professional Services
First-Year Experience Instructor
Pre-Physician Assistant Student Organization Advisor
Department of Biological Sciences

Please note that this webinar will be recorded and then placed on the NRMN YouTube channel in the upcoming weeks. Drs. Hinton Jr. & Shuler have graciously agreed to share the slide-deck after the presentation. We have about 10-15 minutes for a Q&A session at the end of the webinar, so please enter your questions in the chat, and we will address them in the Q&A portion.



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