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The Latin American Training Program (LATP) was a comprehensive online training program funded by support from the Grass Foundation. Over a period of 10 years, the program provided webinars, recorded content, lectures, and online discussion forums to young investigators from Latin America and the Caribbean. Connect with other neuroscientists from Latin America and the Caribbean and join the discussion in this forum. Learn more about the resources developed by this program by visiting the Latin American Training Program Collection on Neuronline. https://neuronline.sfn.org/collection/latin-american-training-program/
  1. What's new in this Group
  2. Hello LATP here is a fellowship opportunity, NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR 2023 WHITMAN FELLOWSHIPS! Apply Now https://mailchi.mp/e13f8461c516/2023-mbl-whitman-fellowships-apply-now?e=315da0030d
  3. Hello LATP here is a grant opportunity, Focused Projects Grant for Junior Investigators: Insomnia Biomarkers Up to $50,000 This grant provides seed funding for mentored research projects in an effort to jumpstart an early career investigator’s research career. The grant supports mentored projects that address one or more important unanswered scientific questions related to sleep, sleep disorders and/or sleep health. The Focused Projects Grant for Junior Investigators: Insomnia Biomarkers is open for projects that will identify, evaluate and/or validate biomarkers to support insomnia (disorder) differential diagnosis and clinical treatment response. Application opens November 28, 2022 and applications are due on January 9, 2023. Neuroscience researchers and physician scientists that have an interest in sleep or circadian science are eligible to apply.
  4. Hello LATP here are fellowship and award opportunities, Postdoctoral Fellowships for Basic Scientists and Clinical Neurologists: The Postdoctoral Fellowships for Basic Scientists Two-year fellowships for young scientists to study at major research institutions. The Parkinson’s Foundation seeks research proposals from promising early-career scientists that will directly impact the understanding of Parkinson’s disease or its treatment. This program grants $124,000 over two years. For more information: https://www.parkinson.org/advancing-research/for-researchers/fellowships-early-career-awards#BasicScientists The Postdoctoral Fellowships for Clinical Neurologists Fellowships for young clinicians who have completed their neurology residency and are seeking clinical research experience. This program grants two-year awards in the amount of $140,000. For more information: https://www.parkinson.org/advancing-research/for-researchers/fellowships-early-career-awards#ClinicalNeurologists Launch Awards This award will enable outstanding postdoctoral researchers to complete needed mentored training and transition promptly to independent research careers in the Parkinson’s disease field. This award is a two-stage program. The strongest applicants will propose a well-conceived plan for 1-2 years of mentored research training and career development to help them become competitive candidates for independent faculty positions, preparing them to launch robust, separate research programs studying Parkinson’s disease. The Launch Award provides a total of $400,000 for up to 4 years. For more information: https://www.parkinson.org/advancing-research/for-researchers/fellowships-early-career-awards#LaunchAward Stanley Fahn Junior Faculty Awards The Parkinson’s Foundation seeks clinical, pre-clinical or basic research proposals that will directly impact the understanding of Parkinson’s or its treatment from promising early career scientists. Successful projects should include novel research hypotheses and be inventive in methodology or approach. Each award provides $300,000 in total costs. For more information: https://www.parkinson.org/advancing-research/for-researchers/awards-independent-investigators#SFJFAward For all of the opportunities above: • Letter of Intent due: November 1, 2022 • Full proposal due: February 24, 2023 • Award notification: Late May 2023 • Award begins: July 1, 2023 Impact Awards Impact Awards are designed for researchers both established and new to the field of Parkinson’s disease. Projects should be "outside the box" with the goal of bringing new light to the biology of Parkinson's, a new approach to Parkinson’s research, or testing a truly novel therapeutic idea. Our goal is to provide the support that will enable researchers to test new ideas with an impact to the PD community and generate compelling results that will facilitate continued investment from the Parkinson’s Foundation and other funders. Awards are up to a maximum of $150,000 for 12-18 months. For more information: https://www.parkinson.org/advancing-research/for-researchers/awards-independent-investigators#ImpactAwards • Letter of Intent Due: November 4, 2022 • Full proposals due: February 27, 2023 • Award notification: June 2023 • Award begins: July 1, 2023
  5. Hello LATP here are event opportunities, Happy National Postdoc Appreciation Week! Please see a list of virtual and in-person events for this week available here. Celebrate National Postdoc Appreciation week by registering for events listed by the National Postdoc Association. They have many events both online and in-person. It’s the 3rd Annual Celebration for Virtual events and 13th Annual Celebration for In-person events! https://www.nationalpostdoc.org/page/2022NPAW
  6. Hello LATP here is a symposium opportunity, The Student Data Science Symposium will be held on Friday, September 23rd, and will feature student speakers and opportunities for students to engage with industry professionals. We will also have networking opportunities for faculty and industry professionals. Register Here: https://www.accelevents.com/e/aucstudentdatasymposium22 Free for all registrants HBCU students can receive CASH prizes for engagement Exhibitor tables and sponsorship opportunities HBCU students, submit your resume in the registration to connect with employers and graduate schools! Throughout the afternoon, students will give 5-minute lightning talks on their data science work. The noontime keynote speaker, Dr. Gloria Washington who will share insights on “Using Data Science to Reduce Racist, Sexist, and Hate Speech.” The afternoon panel will feature AUC alum who have gone on to various data science careers. We will have interactive networking opportunities via meet-n-greets, lounges, and an Expo. Please join us for this interactive, informative data science Symposium!
  7. Hello LATP here is a webinar opportunity, Part of National Postdoc Appreciation Week Sept. 22, 2022 | 2–3:30 p.m. Eastern | Free registration required The ASBMB public affairs department and Casonya Johnson from the National Science Foundation are hosting a webinar on early-career funding opportunities. Learn the ins and outs of applying for grants at NSF — from navigating funding announcements to understanding the NSF's merit review process. Find out about the NSF's Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences programs, available grants for early-career researchers and the NSF grant-writing process. Participate in breakout sessions with NSF staff to zero in on writing strong grant proposals and discover more information about MCB's core programs. https://www.asbmb.org/meetings-events/nsf-early-career-funding
  8. Hello LATP here is a webinar opportunity, Navigating the Postdoc-PI Relationship Register now for the Navigating the Postdoc-PI Relationship webinar Wednesdays September 28th 1-2:30pm ET. Listen to Dr.'s Ahmari, Alaghband, Carew, Kopec, Reissner, Smith, Sabbagh, and Xin discuss how to successfully navigate the important Postdoc-PI relationship.
  9. Hello LATP here is a training opportunity, Our T32 training program, “Translational Research Training in Sleep and Circadian Science” currently has openings available for post-doctoral and predoctoral scholars. The attached flyer describes our program in more detail. Our program is funded by T32 HL082610, currently in its 16th year of funding. We have an outstanding record of success in helping trainees transition into faculty and post-doc appointments, career development awards, and independent research funding. We are particularly interested in young scientists who come from backgrounds underrepresented in science. Interested trainees can find out more at www.sleep.pitt.edu/T32 Training Program or email willrichl@upmc.edu.
  10. Hello LATP here is a grant opportunity, The American Psychological Association (APA) Committee on Early Career Psychologists (CECP) is pleased to announce their Early Career Service Grants. The CECP is excited to award grants that align with their strategic priorities. Awardees selected will be granted a maximum of $3,000 each. Grants will be given to support the implementation of direct psychological services/programs that 1) are not eligible or likely to receive financial support from other funding agencies, and 2) are not likely to be delivered without the funding support. Examples of the type of services/programs CECP is seeking to support include, but in no way are limited to: Services that provide evidence-based training to community serving organizations Mental health workshops Professional development programs for community staff providers Programs that address the psychological needs of diverse communities Deadline: September 26, 2022 Sponsor: APA Committee on Early Career Psychologists Eligibility Applicants must be a dues-paid member of APA in any membership category Applicants should have received a doctorate degree in psychology within the last 10 years The proposed services/program supported via the grant must align with the below CECP priorities: Prioritizing equity, diversity, and inclusion in every aspect of our work Engaging in anti-racist work Establishing and promoting leadership training opportunities for ECPs Creating new opportunities for ECPs to serve in leadership positions Elevating the visibility of ECPs and their work The services/program must have a significant impact on psychology and/or society Awardees must agree to allow CECP to publicize their work through some type of public forum, either in-person or virtually, at an APA convention or a CECP sponsored event Awardees must commit to completing a semi-annual progress report and virtual meeting with CECP The services must be completed by December 1, 2023 Submission Materials Each application should be submitted as a single PDF file and include the following sections: Proposal: Statement describing the proposed services/program, including the following (in no more than 2 pages, single-spaced): Description of the problem being addressed Detailed description of the services/projects to be implemented Description of the ways that psychological science supports the proposed services/projects and intended outcomes (evidence base) Clearly outlined and measurable goals of the proposed services/projects (feasibility) Description of the expected impact (potential reach) Description of how your proposed project aligns with CECP priorities (see above) Description of funding need and proposed budget. Please note: Funds may not be used to support indirect or overhead costs, participant travel, research, or to compensate the awardee for conducting clinical services The proposed services/project must not generate any revenue for the participants or their workplace. If participant fees are to be collected, they must be designated to a specific charitable organization. Please describe this in the budget proposal. Recommendation: Include a 3% buffer as part of contingency estimates in your proposed budget Documentation of any additional support/funding related to the proposed services/project (e.g., in-kind contributions, matching funds, etc.) Curriculum vitae - specifically: 5 pages maximum, including focused content that is relevant to grant criteria For group submissions, please include only the CV of the primary investigator APA awards and grants may be subject to U.S. federal income tax withholding. Grant recipients will need to complete an IRS Form W-9 or a IRS Form W-8BEN (international members) prior to disbursement of funds.
  11. Hello LATP here is a webinar opportunity, This webinar covers the Early Career Reviewer Program at NIH for the scientific peer-review process. Elyse Schauwecker will discuss the benefits of and recent changes that have been made to the process. It will also include a Q&A session with the main speaker about not only this program but other opportunities there as well. https://www.asbmb.org/meetings-events/inside-look
  12. Hello LATP, Here is a new award that has been established to help promote diversity within neuroscience and was wondering if you might have any resources that would help them promote the award. The hope is they could expand the reach of the award information to help broaden the applicant pool. Some additional detail: Award: $10,000 prize. Next round opening in 12/2022 Applicants should meet the following qualifications: are between the third and seventh calendar year after defending their dissertation, self-identify as women or BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color), and are not yet employed in a tenure-track position, at the time of application, are U.S. citizens (regardless of their location) or permanent residents of the U.S. Contact information: caitlin.meloy@bofa.com
  13. Hello LATP here is a postdoctoral opportunity, Amazon launched a new program offering recent PhD graduates a formal avenue opportunity to advance research while working with experienced scientists who have backgrounds in Academia and Industry. https://www-amazon-science.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.amazon.science/postdoctoral-science-program?_amp=true
  14. Online workshop: https://falan-ibrolarc.org/site/rigor-reproducibilidad-y-gestion-de-datos-en-la-investigacion-no-clinica/ November 18, 2021, 10: 30-13: 55 (Brasília Time) (15: 30-18: 55 CET) Florianópolis, SC, Brazil Online (Please register here ). Flyer - https://falan-ibrolarc.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Flyer-workshop-PAASP-IEB-UFSC-2021-Brazil-spa.pdf
  15. Interested in hosting a live chat for LATP? Let us know! Contact globalaffairs@sfn.org with your suggestions.
  16. The American Brain Foundation is offering over $5.5M in research funds through our 2022 grant programs, and I’m hoping that SfN might help us spread the word about these opportunities to eligible researchers and clinicians. All applications open on July 1, 2021. The 2022 Cure One, Cure Many Award: A research award for early diagnosis of Lewy body dementia (LBD) is a $3M award seeking to accelerate progress in the diagnosis of LBD. Applications should aim for discovery, validation, and acceleration of LBD-related biomarkers. Projects should specifically have the potential to identify one or more biomarkers that will support or confirm that Lewy body disease is the underlying cause of dementia at any stage. Proposals may address disorders across the LBD spectrum. Pre-proposal applications are due by July 30, 2021 at 5pm CT. The award RFA and application information is available at aan.com/cocm. We are also offering 18 early career scholarships. Applications are due no later than October 1, 2021; RFAs and application information is available at https://www.aan.com/education-and-research/research/aan-research-program/. Funding is available in the following areas: ALS Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias Cognitive aging and age-related memory loss Epilepsy Frontotemporal degeneration Lewy body diseases Migraine Multiple sclerosis Muscular dystrophy Myasthenia gravis Neuromuscular disease Parkinson’s disease Stroke Tourette syndrome We are also offering two funding opportunities in neuro health disparities research: an early career Clinical Research Training Scholarship in Neurodisparities, and seed grant funding to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in autism research.
  17. The Wu Tsai Postdoctoral Fellowships program seeks applications from soon-to-be or recent PhDs interested in interdisciplinary research at the frontiers of neuroscience. We are particularly interested in applications from scientists from backgrounds historically underrepresented in science and/or who have a demonstrated commitment to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion. The program offers a generous stipend ($60K starting) for up to 3 years, funds for training, cohort-based professional development and community-building activities, and access to cutting edge facilities in the new Wu Tsai Institute (WTI) at Yale, dedicated to integrative studies of the mind. Importantly for your audience, international applicants are welcome. Because this program seeks to promote best practices in inclusive recruitment and mentoring, the call features four co-mentored areas of research, carefully selected for the mentors’ outstanding interdisciplinary research and the labs’ inclusive and supportive training environments. Candidates may also apply to an open track. The deadline for applications is August 15. You can find more information and application instructions here: https://bit.ly/WTIPostdocFellows
  18. Find out more information here - https://www.sfn.org/initiatives/public-education-programs/brain-awareness-video-contest Five tips to creating a great video: Be professional. Pay attention to lighting and audio quality! Be concise. 50 percent of viewers tune out after 3 minutes. Know your audience. Drop the jargon and make it relevant and easy to understand. Be entertaining. Use humor, a quick pace, and creative production. Take advantage of what’s around you: white board drawings do well, so do videos shot in the lab or other interesting settings. Be unique. Videos about surprising and quirky facts are popular. Come up with a great title. Accurately convey the video’s content. Lists and questions tend to do well. This summer, help us spread the word about the Brain Awareness People’s Choice Contest! Follow BrainFacts.org on Twitter, Faceook, and Instagram + use the hashtag #BAVC21 on social media. Prizes First place: $1,000 plus travel, two-nights lodging, and registration to Neuroscience 2021 in Chicago. Second place: $500 Third place: $250 People's Choice: $500 Read the 2021 rules and regulations.
  19. Join LATP Alumna Dannia Colin-Castelan on Monday, June 7 from 1-2pm EDT as she discusses science communication and outreach. Dannia is a science communicator at Cienciorama UNAM. This will be a live chat on Zoom - Register here! Come meet an LATP Alumna, ask questions, and learn more about science communication.
  20. Harvard Medical School (HMS) will start soon to collect applications for the second series of our extramural postdoctoral seminar series “INCEPT: Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Colloquia of Extramural Postdoc Talks” (https://neuro.hms.harvard.edu/events/incept-interdisciplinary-neuroscience-colloquia-extramural-postdoc-talks). This program features scientific talks from talented postdocs affiliated to a US institution in the field of neuroscience. Speakers will share their research with the HMS community, receive valuable feedback, and directly interact with fellow postdocs and faculty members. The next “HMS INCEPT” series will take place during Winter and Spring of 2021. We welcome applications from senior postdocs in any field of neurobiology: genetics, molecular, cellular, physiology, systems, behavioral, and computational.
  21. Nominations for SfN’s individual awards and prizes are now open! The deadline to nominate someone for an award is May 14, 2021 at 5:00 pm ET. SfN’s awards present an opportunity for members of all career stages, backgrounds, and research areas to receive recognition for the contributions to the field. Awards fall into the following categories: Outstanding Career and Research Achievement Awards honor the work of dedicated scientists who make outstanding contributions to the field of neuroscience through research, mentorship, and more. Science Education and Outreach Awards recognize the contributions made by educators and advocates to promote the field of neuroscience among students and the public at large. Promotion and Mentoring of Women in Neuroscience Awards honor the promotion and mentoring of women in neuroscience, including mentorship, professional development, and outstanding careers. Young Scientists’ Achievements and Research in Neuroscience Awards are for students, postdoctoral fellows, and scientists in the field for a decade or less who have contributed remarkable research or achievements. As part of the Society’s mission to broaden diversity in the field, nominations of women and international neurosciences are strongly encouraged. Membership is not required to be nominated in most cases, and most awards have a cash prize of up to $30,000! Nominate a student, mentor, or colleague by May 14, 2021 at 5:00 pm ET.
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    Join LATP Alumna Fernanda Barros-Aragão on Monday, April 26 from 3-4pm EDT as she discusses balancing career and personal life. Fernanda is a postdoctoral researcher at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. In her project, she aims to develop new nanotechnological approaches to investigate COVID-19's impact on the CNS. This will be a live chat on Zoom - Register here!
  23. Join LATP Alumna Fernanda Barros-Aragão on Monday, April 26 from 3-4pm EDT as she discusses balancing career and personal life. Fernanda is a postdoctoral researcher at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. In her project, she aims to develop new nanotechnological approaches to investigate COVID-19's impact on the CNS. This will be a live chat on Zoom - Register here!
  24. Registration is now open for Reaching the Peak: A Science & Technology Career Summit, Research!America’s summit for early career researchers, on June 30, 2021 from 11-6 p.m. ET. During this one-day virtual event, early career researchers will have the opportunity to explore an array of career paths, network with fellow researchers, participate in professional development workshops, and engage in meaningful discussions around issues critical to the success of the R&D ecosystem. Sample workshops and topics the Summit will explore: Resume and CV Development Effective Science Communication Science Policy and Advocacy Fostering Successful Mentorships Early career researchers in biomedical, public health, or other health-related disciplines are invited to attend, including graduate students in Master’s, PhD, MD, PharmD, or similar degree programs, recent graduates, Postdocs/Fellows, and early-career employees. Early career researchers at your organization can register for this exciting event via the link below. Space is limited. Register for the Summit! As a special component of the Summit, applications are now being accepted to participate in Research!America's second annual Flash Talks Competition. In this competition, early career researchers will test their science communication skills by providing a short, 3-minute presentation of their biomedical or health-related research, including its significance and broader context to a general audience. Each Flash Talk will be evaluated by a panel of judges on how effectively and concisely the research was communicated. The preliminary round of the competition will take place on June 30, 2021 during Research!America's Early Career Summit, with the final round occurring during the 2021 National Health Research Forum held September 13-15, 2021. Early career researchers at your organization who are interested in participating in the competition can apply below. Applications close April 23, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. Apply for the Flash Talks Competition Today!
  25. The application period for the 2021 Yale Ciencia Academy (YCA) for Professional Development has recently opened. The YCA for Professional Development is an NIH-funded (1R25GM114000) program that equips grad students with the knowledge, skills, and networks they need to find great postdoctoral positions that will further their academic interests and career goals. The program is open to doctoral students in the life and behavioral sciences in the final 1-2 years of their programs who are conducting research in areas funded by the National Institutes of Health. We are particularly interested in reaching students who identify as being from underrepresented backgrounds in science, as defined by the NIH. Students can expect the following key benefits: Networking with accomplished scientists, leaders, and peers from diverse backgrounds Training from leading experts to improve planning, mentoring and communication skills Personalized materials for the PhD to postdoc transition, including an Individual Postdoc Transition Plan, a list of potential postdoc labs, a well-crafted personal narrative for introductory emails and networking, a peer-reviewed research abstract, and a polished 20-minute scientific talk. Expert advice and notes from mock postdoc interviews All-expenses paid travel to Yale for an in-person meeting in June 2022 (2021 meeting converted to virtual format on account of COVID-19) Joining our YCA alumni network (>200 peers), with access to sample fellowships and professional opportunity announcements Bringing new resources to their lab and institution through the optional participation of their research advisor in our YCA Advisor Training YCA collaborates with iBiology and leverages CienciaPR, a large and diverse Latino/Hispanic scientific network. The application period closes March 31, 2021, and the program runs from June 2021 to June 2022. Application requirements, selection criteria, FAQs, and the application form can be accessed via this link: http://www.cienciapr.org/yca 247391335_YCA_2021_Flyer11.pdf
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    The newest LATP webinar – Transitioning from Postdoc to Independent Researcher – is available now! View this and other webinars on the LATP Neuronline Collection. After watching the webinar, join Dr. M. Florencia Assaneo as she discusses her journey and answers questions you have about your journey during the live Q&A on Tuesday, March 9 from 2-3pm EST. Register here.
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