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2019-2020 Live Chat #3 - International Funding (2016 LATP Alumni)

Stephanie Vose

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Stephanie Vose

This live chat was led by 2016-2017 LATP Alumni @Danielle Beckman, PhD and @Giovanne Diniz, PhD who led a discussion on international funding! This live chat took place on Zoom on Wednesday, February 26 from 10am to 11am ET. 

Unable to attend this chat live? That's okay! Submit your questions and comments below to continue the conversation here! 

A copy of the presentation can be downloaded below.


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Isis Nem De Oliveira Souza

I am so sorry I couldn't make it to the Live Chat! ? I tried to access the link but I guess it's not available on demand right? @Danielle Beckman and @Giovanne Diniz, is there any way you could make your presentation available? And even if not, I have two questions:

- is there an especific course or grant you believe is a must-try for PhD level students?

- In my lab, a lot of Master students are left out of travel grants and schools selection processes because they are still below the PhD level. Are there any good opportunities for them you two would recommend?

Thank you so much for your time! ? 

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Stephanie Vose
On 2/27/2020 at 4:28 PM, Isis de Oliveira said:

I am so sorry I couldn't make it to the Live Chat! ? I tried to access the link but I guess it's not available on demand right? @Danielle Beckman and @Giovanne Diniz, is there any way you could make your presentation available? And even if not, I have two questions:

- is there an especific course or grant you believe is a must-try for PhD level students?

- In my lab, a lot of Master students are left out of travel grants and schools selection processes because they are still below the PhD level. Are there any good opportunities for them you two would recommend?

Thank you so much for your time! ? 

Hi Isis - The live chat was not recorded and is not available on-demand. Here is a copy of the PowerPoint presentation from the live chat. I have reached out to @Danielle Beckman and @Giovanne Diniz to answer your questions!




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Danielle Beckman

Hi Isis, sorry the delay in replying! There is no problem at all that you missed the Live Chat. I hope you were able to access the power point presentation Stephanie kindly sent here a few days ago.

Answering your questions:

- is there a specific course or grant you believe is a must-try for PhD level students?”

YES. I believe there are several courses and grants any PhD student in Neuroscience should try. Later in your career you can target for more specific opportunities (for example: Alzheimer’s Association if you are in the Alzheimer field, or Michael J. Fox Foundation if you work with Parkinson). But there are some few excellent starting opportunities for PhD students, here are my choices:

1-     You are already doing a great job being here at the Neuronline community! Make sure to  apply also for the LATP fellowship, the 2020 LATP applications will open on March 25th and close May 6th.  More information:  https://www.sfn.org/initiatives/diversity-programs/latin-american-training-program

2-     Apply for a CAEN award from the International Society of Neurochemistry. If you want to learn a technique that is not available in your institute for example, you can apply for the CAEN 1A award and learn something new outside your own institute (and sometimes outside your country!). If you want to present your work at a conference, you can apply for the CAEN 2A award. Any scientific meeting is eligible and the next application deadline is August 31th. Check the other educational grants from ISN here https://www.neurochemistry.org/educational-grants-caen/

3-     Make sure to keep an eye out in the  neuroscience societies website such as SfN and ISN. They always provide support for young people to attend their annual (SfN) or biannual (ISN) meetings. If you are planning to present your work in one of their meetings, you should always apply for their travel awards. For most of the opportunities they provide you will not be competing with people from US or Europe, because they want to increase diversity, so the chances are always bigger.

- In my lab, a lot of Master students are left out of travel grants and schools selection processes because they are still below the PhD level. Are there any good opportunities for them you two would recommend?

There should be no discrimination for applying for grants if you are a master student. Master and PhD student are both in graduate school and have a bachelor’s degree. Some grants or scholarships might target more advanced grad students, but most of them will target both beginners and people with more experience. All the opportunities I described above are also opened for master students, and I personally applied and got a few of them while I was still doing my master in Brazil. 

Good luck and let me know if I can help with anything else! ?

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