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Data Science Approaches for Neuroscientists


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Neuroscientists are now collecting datasets of unprecedented scale thanks to technological advances. Yet, there are many unanswered questions that must be addressed to keep moving the field forward.

In this webinar moderated by Gardiner von Trapp, panelists Michael Miller, Richard Myers, and Pascal Wallisch will discuss:

-What types of research problems can a data-science approach solve?

-How will neuroscientists analyze large-scale data sets most effectively, and with what tools?

-What training challenges do mentors and trainees face for implementing large-scale data science practices?

-What skills are valuable for neuroscientists to have to successfully understand and adopt this approach?

Register now to learn why a data-science approach is an exciting horizon in neuroscience research, and what it means for training, whether you are a PI, professor, or trainee.

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My name is Pascal Wallisch and I’m closing the Webinar today. If you have questions, comments and insights, please feel free to share them here. We’ll address them afterwards. I’m looking forward to your remarks.

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Hello SfN-ers! My name is Gardiner von Trapp, your webinar host. I feel we just scratched the surface of an exciting topic. Please post your comments and questions, we’re looking forward to a lively discussion!

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