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May Neuronline Community Recap

Sam Staples

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Sam Staples

Watch this video as PhD student Melody Schwenk talks of growing up Deaf to now researching language and cognition at Gallaudet University. 


In this on-demand webinar, Yizhou Lyu, Zishan Su, and Yuan Chang Leong discuss their paper with JNeurosci Reviewing Editor Daniela Schiller. 


Read the latest Q&A in the “Meet the Early Career Policy Ambassadors” collection. 


Watch this on-demand webinar moderated by eNeuro Editor-in-Chief Christophe Bernard, joined by Jose Abisambra, co-Editor-in-Chief of Brain Research, and Randall Ellis, postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School. 


Read this article if you are interested in neuroscience outreach and science communication with the general public. 


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