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AD drugs available

Wael Mohamed

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Wael Mohamed

So far we do not have any effective curative drug to AD. What is the cause? may be we do not understand AD yet or we do research in a wrong way…it is open for sharing ideas

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Many years ago I had the privilege to be in a team that was developing a drug that was earmarked to be quite successful for AD. It had several mode of actions but one notable one was the downregulation of activated microglia and the restoration of astrocytes. In fact to the best of my knowledge, this was the only drug that was shown in clinical trials to be withdrawn for 8 weeks and the patients did not decline. The patients had been treated for about year (I think). I was not apart of the marketing team and cannot provide reasons why research on this drug was discontinued. However, the mechanisms of action suggest that downregulating activated microglia could be an avenue that is worth pursuing.

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Wael Mohamed

Hi…Thanks for your reply…I think the issue is we do not understand our brain correctly yet although we had a tremendous neuroscience publications. From the clinical point of view, available drugs are symptomatic or disease modifying drugs nothing causal yet.

Reg AD research I always say in my talks…THE REDUCTIONIST APPROACH HAS REACHED ITS LIMIT in AD research. May be GUT-HEART-BRAIN axis is the key

If you recall when LM-11A-31 drug was introduced to the market It was considered a breakthrough however t turns out that it is not…My regards

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