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Foundations of Rigorous Neuroscience


  1. Foundations of Rigorous Neuroscience

    SfN has partnered with the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and members of the scientific community to develop a multimodal training program aiming to inform and empower neuroscientists at all career stages to enhance the rigor and reproducibility of their research. Share your experiences and ideas about scientific cultural factors that can undermine rigorous research practices and identify solutions to these issues that can be employed by all members of the neuroscience community. For resources focus on the sociology of science, raising awareness around interpersonal factors that influence laboratory practices and professional activities, visit the Foundations of Rigorous Neuroscience Collection located on Neuronline

    This forum is open to members and non-members. Please feel free to post anonymously using the "Post as anonymous" option when submitting a thread/comment or submitting your ideas in this Google Form. Contact SfN staff at training@sfn.org for more information.


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