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    REGISTER NOW! Join this interactive session as Dr. Felix Felmy and Dr. Nikolaos Kladisios discuss their paper, “Synaptic Mechanisms underlying Temporally Precise Information Processing in the VNLL, an auditory brainstem nucleus”, with JNeurosci Reviewing Editor Ruth Anne Eatock. Attendees can submit questions at registration and live during the webinar. Below is the significance statement of the paper published on June 22, 2022, in JNeurosci and authored by Nikolaos Kladisios, Linda Fischer, Florian Jenzen, Michael Rebhan, Christian Leibold, and Felix Felmy Auditory information processing in the brainstem is a prerequisite for generating our auditory representation of the environment. Thereby, many processing steps rely on temporally precise filtering. Precise feed forward inhibition is a key motif in auditory brainstem processing and produced through sign inversion at several large somatic excitatory synapses. A particular feature of the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus is to produce temporally precise onset inhibition with little temporal variance independent of sound intensity. Our cell-physiology and modeling data explain how the synaptic characteristics of different current components and their short-term plasticity are tuned to establish sound intensity-invariant onset inhibition that is crucial for filtering out spurious frequency information.
  2. SfN enthusiastically announces that Neuroscience 2021 will be held in an inclusive hybrid format. Neuroscience 2021 is one annual meeting with two experiences: for the first time, a four-day full virtual program (November 8-11, 2021) including reimagined virtual posters, and a four-day full in-person program in Chicago at McCormick Place Convention Center (November 13–16, 2021). “We look forward to finally celebrating SfN’s 50th annual meeting with our colleagues, both in person or online. The past year has underscored the importance of science, and I encourage everyone to consider submitting their abstracts to this meeting,” SfN President Barry Everitt said. “The SfN Council felt it is vital to gather the field to conduct the dynamic scientific exchange that has been sorely missing in the past year. By offering engagement both virtually and in person, we are able to share science as well as offer opportunities to network and gather for those who are ready and able to travel in person.” Knowing travel may continue to be restricted and uncertain, and wishing SfN to be as accessible and inclusive as possible, the addition of a full virtual schedule will enhance participation and promote SfN’s commitment to advancing scientific exchange globally. “To once again conduct our vibrant Annual Meeting is simply critical to the continued progress of the field and led to the unanimous decision by the SfN Council to make the 2021 meeting a hybrid opportunity,” Everitt said. Registration for Neuroscience 2021 will include full access to both the in-person and virtual portions of the meeting. All poster presenters will submit virtual posters regardless of whether they will also present in person. Abstract submissions from across the world are highly encouraged. “The Annual Meeting Focus Group, led by the Program Committee Chairs, has rethought the digital experience, specifically virtual posters, and we are looking forward to inventive and creative engagement to allow the largest group possible to participate in scientific exchange worldwide,” Everitt said. To encourage dynamic scientific exchange, each virtual poster presentation will include a live, interactive 60-minute group discussion with 7-10 authors in an assigned session during the virtual experience in November. All poster presenters will be asked to include a PDF slide deck and also record a five-minute video or audio presentation for their virtual poster. “The reimagining of the virtual posters invigorates a part of the program that has proven especially challenging in a virtual format,” said 2020–2021 SfN Program Chair Sheena Josselyn. “By creating up to 1,000 live online discussions among those with related research, we are looking to expand digital networking and collaboration opportunities within the field, in addition to the rich networking and discussion that will take place in person in Chicago. I encourage all members of the field around the world to consider submitting an abstract and connecting with colleagues new and old, as we are confident that this opportunity will serve to enhance robust scientific collaboration.” Abstract submission opens July 6 and closes July 15 – regardless of whether attendance will be virtual or in person. Meeting registration opens August 3 for members that renewed by February 15, August 4 for the full membership, and August 9 for nonmembers. More details are available on www.sfn.org/neuroscience2021.
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