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  1. Hi everyone, I searched on forum for a similar post but I couldn’t find one, so I’ll be creating this topic. The purpose is to meet or share outreach initiatives from your country/city/university. You can share your own or someone else initiative/project with any contact link and a short explanation about it. Hopefully, we will create a topic to meet and network with potential collaborators and get inspired by other. I will start with two different ones: (1) EiSci - It’s an initiative from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where I’m currently pursuing my PhD, where students reach to high schools to teach science and healthcare in the Bronx community, in NY. I am not part of this group, but I’m looking to be soon! Link related (2) Semana do Cerebro - It’s a project for the Brain Awareness Week in Brazil, leaded by universities UFABC and UNIFESP. It’s usually set on public parks within the greater Sao Paulo, explaining to the general public more about brain function and/or misconceptions. I helped to organize a couple of events and if you want to check more, click here. Share any initiative/project that you know or want to start. Get inspired, get together!
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