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  1. Juan Gomez-Molina

    Chatting about SfN/2022-abstracts

    Have you presented an abstract about computational tools and methods for electrophysiological experiments or EEG? Are you interesting in teaching at universities in TX, FL or AL? We have presented 2 abstracts at SfN-2022 (088.02/XX6, and J-teaching) about chronobiology and symmetries of neuroelectric states. Please let me know if you have questions or comments or if you want to participate in this project. Juan F Gómez Molina PhD, International Group of Neuroscience Neuroengineering and Neurophilosophy
  2. EEG, biological rhythms and aging/Alzheimer´s disease I am in Colombia now and we have a SfN-poster last year and this year about EEG, biological rhythms and aging/Alzheimer´s disease. We have some initiatives in Asia regarding these issues. Please write us if you want to have research collaborations in this area. Juan Fernando Gómez-Molina PhD IGN(S,E,P) gomezmoljfmedcol@gmail.com http://www.linkedin.com/pub/juan-gomez/a/a2b/418 Researchgate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Juan_Gomez8/publications Academia: https://upb-co.academia.edu/Gomez ORCID ID: Gomez JF orcid.org/0000-0001-9695-7867 Loop: loop.frontiersin.org/people/634962/overview Youtube channel: Please Search for “Neuroelectric Minds” (English) or copy: https://youtube.com/watch?v=vqUepOMtNP8 “Mentes Neuroelectricas” (Spanish)
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