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  1. until
    REGISTER NOW! Join this interactive session as Dr. Felix Felmy and Dr. Nikolaos Kladisios discuss their paper, “Synaptic Mechanisms underlying Temporally Precise Information Processing in the VNLL, an auditory brainstem nucleus”, with JNeurosci Reviewing Editor Ruth Anne Eatock. Attendees can submit questions at registration and live during the webinar. Below is the significance statement of the paper published on June 22, 2022, in JNeurosci and authored by Nikolaos Kladisios, Linda Fischer, Florian Jenzen, Michael Rebhan, Christian Leibold, and Felix Felmy Auditory information processing in the brainstem is a prerequisite for generating our auditory representation of the environment. Thereby, many processing steps rely on temporally precise filtering. Precise feed forward inhibition is a key motif in auditory brainstem processing and produced through sign inversion at several large somatic excitatory synapses. A particular feature of the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus is to produce temporally precise onset inhibition with little temporal variance independent of sound intensity. Our cell-physiology and modeling data explain how the synaptic characteristics of different current components and their short-term plasticity are tuned to establish sound intensity-invariant onset inhibition that is crucial for filtering out spurious frequency information.
  2. I want to ask about progress/updated about issues regarding resignation of Mark Baxter from the editorial board of eNeuro. Is that any correction for the journal entitled "A New Theory of Gender Dysphoria Incorporating the Distress, Social Behavioral and Body-Ownership Networks" This issue is quiet viral on social media. I hope SfN will try to make statement or any official correction from mistakes happen in order to bring back the good reputation for SfN community. Best regards, Nazeerah
  3. Officially launching on October 1, this blog supports eNeuro’s mission to provide a venue to share great science. The main vision of the blog is to humanize the science that is published in eNeuro. There will be regular posts that provide highlights of recent research, and insights into the researchers and research published in eNeuro. Additionally this blog will provide our editorial board, especially the Editor-in-Chief, a place to engage with the scientific community and spark discussions about publishing practices, peer review, and other relevant topics. Currently, the categories of blog posts you will find are: Beyond the Bench – intended to take research published in eNeuro and highlight the research while telling more of the story about the researchers, or the lab, or the history of this work. Editors’ Picks – a brief introduction to research published in eNeuro that was of interest to a member of our editorial board. Featured Findings – highlights an image that represents a key aspect of research published in eNeuro. Discussion Posts– a place for thoughtful dialogue with the EiC about topics that are relevant to scientists today. Check out the blog here: http://blog.eneuro.org.
  4. eNeuro – 1 May 18 Editorial: Gender Bias in Publishing: Double-Blind Reviewing as a Solution? Many studies, commentaries, blogs, etc. point at a gender bias in favor of males for award and acceptance of both grants and publications, respectively (e.g., Wenneras and Wold, 1997; Larivière et al., 2013 and Barres, 2006). According to...
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