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  1. Juan Gomez-Molina

    Chatting about SfN/2022-abstracts

    Have you presented an abstract about computational tools and methods for electrophysiological experiments or EEG? Are you interesting in teaching at universities in TX, FL or AL? We have presented 2 abstracts at SfN-2022 (088.02/XX6, and J-teaching) about chronobiology and symmetries of neuroelectric states. Please let me know if you have questions or comments or if you want to participate in this project. Juan F Gómez Molina PhD, International Group of Neuroscience Neuroengineering and Neurophilosophy
  2. She’s holding back tears while thanking all the people who have supported her. And I am tearing up too learning about all her struggles. Imagine every two hours having to go find a private space where you need to sit for 30-60 minutes and repeating this all day. Now imagine trying to get work done through this. That is exactly what many women are dealing with while working and breastfeeding. This was one of the many stories discussed at the panel "Fixing the Leaky Pipeline for Women in Science: Addressing Issues Facing New Moms” at the annual meeting this past November. The panel not only told their stories, but gave advice to new mothers. It all mostly echoed one sentiment: be kind to yourself because you can’t do it all alone. Denise Cai @denisecai discussed her paralyzing and conflicting guilt. At work she’d be guilty for not being with her kids, and while with her kids she was guilty she wasn’t working enough. Her advice to others mothers was to “choose to not be guilty”. Jessica Barson @jbarson echoed that idea in her talk as she reminded us “you don’t have to be all things to all people.” You don’t need to be a perfect parent, you need to be a “good enough parent.” Striving for more is impossible. “Realize your limitations” Lauren Drogos @lldrogos reminds us. This seems like good advice for all parents, but I can see it is particularly important for mothers who have extra pressures on them. I now have a whole new respect for new mothers in science. I never realized how challenging it is for them. According to Anahita Hamidi @hamidi_anahita, married mothers have 27% lower odds to get tenure than married fathers with children. Rebecca Rodriquez discussed how mothers spend 4-8 hours a day breastfeeding. It is so much work that puts you against the odds of success. I suddenly realize I owe an apology to all the new mothers I met in grad school. Your hard work is amazing and I did not do enough to support you through this struggle. You are super heroes.
  3. In early October the winners of this year’s Nobel Prizes were announced, including two female scientists. Dr. Frances Arnold was the fifth woman to receive the Nobel Prize in chemistry and Dr. Donna Strickland was only the third woman in history to win the Nobel Prize in physics. These two women helped raise the total of female science laureates to 19 -of the more than 600 science laureates. While it is very exciting for females to be given the recognition they deserve this year, there is still a large misrepresentation in the science community. Until the winners were announced Strickland did not even have a Wikipedia page. Though one was submitted back in March, she had only been mentioned 9 times in relation to science and so Wikipedia had determined she was not notable enough at the time. This sounds harsh from Wikipedia, but Strickland’s own boss has left her equally ignored. She is currently working at the University of Waterloo in Ontario as an associate professor. This means she received the Nobel Prize before obtaining tenure. Though maybe Strickland should be happy with the progress women have made in science. The last woman before her to win the physics prize was Dr. Maria Goeppert-Mayer in 1963. Dr. Goeppert-Mayer was not allowed to be hired by John Hopkins because her husband was already employed there as a faculty member. At least both husband and wife are allowed to be hired now. Women have only been receiving tenure for about 40 years. It isn’t necessarily surprising that Strickland has not yet received tenure despite working at the University of Waterloo since 1997. While we have made strides in trying to reduce sexism in science, it is still prevalent. There is an inherit biased. An article from Science in 2016 showed men are more likely to publish other men. Tenure promotions are often decided by committees composed primarily of white males. It will take time for females to begin to fill more positions of influence within the scientific community. It is important to note that Dr. Strickland has not complained about being treated unfairly by her colleagues. She also has stated that she thinks of herself as a scientist and not a “woman scientist”. Still, it is upsetting to know you can win a Nobel Prize before being promoted to full professor.
  4. eNeuro – 1 May 18 Editorial: Gender Bias in Publishing: Double-Blind Reviewing as a Solution? Many studies, commentaries, blogs, etc. point at a gender bias in favor of males for award and acceptance of both grants and publications, respectively (e.g., Wenneras and Wold, 1997; Larivière et al., 2013 and Barres, 2006). According to...
  5. Michael Oberdorfer

    Ben Barres

    Ben Barres, a professor and former chair of the Department of Neurobiology at Stanford, died yesterday. Few have had a more significant impact on modern neuroscience, particularly glial biology. He was also a strong voice on the issue of gender in science. There are, and will be, many tributes to Ben’s work and life. He was the co-recipient of SfN’s Ralph W. Gerard prize in 2016.
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