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  1. GRIN2B is a gene located on the short arm of the 12th chromosome at 12p13.1. It is one member of a family of 7 genes: GRIN1, GRIN2A, GRIN2B, GRIN2C, GRIN2D, GRIN3A, and GRIN3B. These genes encode proteins that together form a receptor responsible for sending chemical messages between neurons in the brain. Changes to the GRIN2B gene are generally de novo and cause a condition that, as of 2018, is now referred to as GRIN2B-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder. This neurological condition is often characterized by low muscle tone, developmental delays, seizures and speech and behavioral difficulties. The spectrum of abilities is quite broad depending on the exact genetic variation. There are no approved therapies, and the current standard of care is not effective in improving cognitive, language or motor deficits. Eligibility Criteria The GRIN2B Foundation Research Grant Award is available to both established and early career investigators with a strong interest in GRIN2B. All individuals should be affiliated with an academic institution, hospital system, non-profit institution or other accredited institutions. International applicants are welcome to apply; however, all materials must be submitted in English. Eligible applicants include post-doctoral fellows, clinical fellows, researchers, physicians and other allied professionals. All applications require either a faculty level appointment or a senior scientific position/faculty member to oversee the project. GRIN2B Foundation does not require a Letter of Intent (LOI). GRIN2B Foundation Research Priority Areas • Furthering the basic understanding of GRIN2B function and expression. • Elucidating neural circuit mechanisms that underlie clinical phenotypes. • Gaining a more in-depth understanding of the varying clinical phenotypes and clinical presentation over development. • Advancing insight into therapeutic interventions, such as the development of novel treatments, evaluation of the efficacy of pharmacological and behavioral treatments, exploration of genetic approaches, and the identification of objective outcome markers for treatment. Budget: The maximum budget for an award is $40,000 per year, for one year. Indirect costs are not supported. Applications close July 31, 2020. Learn more and apply: http://grin2b.com/for-researchers/ Download a flyer below GRIN2B Foundation 2020 Research Grant Application - Final.pdf Neuroscience Scholars Program Fellow @Kylie McPherson contributed to an article on JNeurosci related to GRIN2B research titled Context-Induced Reinstatement of Methamphetamine Seeking Is Associated with Unique Molecular Alterations in Fos-Expressing Dorsolateral Striatum Neurons
  2. pizbicki

    PhD to MD Advice

    I am still strongly considering the MD route once I finish my PhD (approximately two years). Does any have any words of wisdom and/or experience that has gone down this route or knows someone that did?
  3. The Department of Psychology at Cornell University seeks to hire an Associate or Full Professor from any area of Psychology. Applicants must have a distinguished record of scholarly impact and preference will be given to candidates with the potential to serve in a leadership capacity in the Department in the future. Review of applications will begin October 1, 2019 and continue until the position is filled. Applicants must upload into Academic Jobs online at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/14149 a cover letter, curriculum vitae, along with a list of the applicant’s five most impactful publications and a brief statement of teaching interests. Confidential letters of recommendation may be solicited at a later date. Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. The College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell embraces diversity and seeks candidates who will create a climate that attracts students and faculty of all races, nationalities, and genders. We strongly encourage women and underrepresented minorities to apply. Cornell University is a recognized EEO/AA employer and educator, valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities. Information about the Psychology Department at Cornell can be found at https://psychology.cornell.edu/ Download a flyer here: 2019-20 Cornell Psychology Faculty Search Description.docx (14.1 KB)
  4. The next LATP live chat will be held on Tuesday, February 12, 2019 from 1:00pm – 2:00pm (ET). Join Dr. Rita Balice-Gordon in a discussion over her paper Rigor or Mortis: Best Practices for Preclinical Research in Neuroscience which is attached below. Click here to register. *Rita Balice-Gordon - Rigor or Mortis- Best Practices for Preclinical Research in Neuroscience.pdf (563.9 KB) The next LATP webinar will be held in March 2019. Dr. Gregory Quirk, Chair of the Latin American Training Advisory Group (SfN) and University of Puerto Rico professor, will give a presentation over what makes a lab work for 20 years. Dr. Quirk will discuss his article Neuroscience Research and Mentoring in Puerto Rico: What Succeeds in This Environment which you can download here Gregory Quirk - Neuroscience Research and Mentoring in Puerto Rico.pdf (101.2 KB) . The date of this webinar, as well as the registration link, will be provided in the coming weeks. Additional resources for this webinar include: *NIH Press Release: Puerto Rico’s “fear lab” mentors neuroscience rigor amid diversity *NIMH YouTube video: Neuroscience Mentoring in Puerto Rico. Dr. Quirk and colleagues in the Laboratory of Fear Learning at the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine celebrate 20th anniversary. *Blog discussion on the article “Neuroscience research and mentoring in Puerto Rico: What succeeds in this environment?” Applications now open for the Gordon Research Conference on the Cerebellum (July 14-19) in Switzerland. The main conference will be preceded by the 2-day Gordon Research Seminar (GRS), a pre-meeting that is organized and attended exclusively by graduate students and post-docs. Apply for the main conference and/or apply for the 2-day GRS. Applications close on June 16, 2019. Call for applications now open for travel awards to attend 2019 Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS) Meeting. SfN will provide five awards up to $2,000 to members from the United States, Canada, and Mexico to attend the Japan Neuroscience Society Meeting in Niigata, Japan, from July 25-28, 2019. Applications close February 1. Apply now! 2019 IBRO World Congress Travel Award call for applications closes April 22. The 10th IBRO World Congress will take place in Daegu, South Korea, September 21-25, 2019. SfN offers up to 15 travel awards in the amount of $2,000 each to support the participation of U.S., Canadian, and Mexican graduate students who have advanced to candidacy for a PhD or postdoctoral fellows at the IBRO World Congress, held every four years. For more information, visit our IBRO Awards Page. Scholarships available to attend the 4th International Symposium on Hypothalamic Hamartomas in Washington, DC. The Symposium is being presented by Hope for Hypothalamic Hamartomas and Children’s National Medical Center (CNMC) in Washington, DC on September 12-14, 2019. A limited number of scholarships are available for young investigators and new faculty with priority to underrepresented researchers/clinicians. Deadline to apply for scholarships is June 30, 2019. For more information and to register, click here Applications for the 2019-2020 LATP will open in the coming weeks. The 3-week live course will be hosted at the División de Neurociencias at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Mexico City, from August 26 to September 13, 2019. The course topic “Enlightening the Brain: The Use of Light to Understand the Function of the Nervous System” will bring together top faculty from around the world to provide participants with high-quality lectures, lab exercises, and training on vital professional development topics. Fifteen top candidates will be selected to participate in the 3-week live course and will receive a travel stipend to attend Neuroscience 2020. To extend the impact of the Research Centers Collaborative Network (RCCN), the RCCN will sponsor three webinars per year targeting early career faculty affiliated with the six Centers programs to build awareness regarding the collaborative resources available across the Centers programs. View RCCN webinars now. Neuronline often features written contributions by SfN members on key topics, such as professional development, career advice, career paths, outreach, advocacy, training, and diversity. If you’re interested in writing a short article about a facet of your career which includes advice for other SfN members, reach out to Meridian Watters at mwatters@sfn.org to share your article pitch and learn more about writing requirements. Click to view Dr. Nancy Padilla-Coreano’s article titled Five Ways I Navigated Grad School as a Minority.
  5. She’s holding back tears while thanking all the people who have supported her. And I am tearing up too learning about all her struggles. Imagine every two hours having to go find a private space where you need to sit for 30-60 minutes and repeating this all day. Now imagine trying to get work done through this. That is exactly what many women are dealing with while working and breastfeeding. This was one of the many stories discussed at the panel "Fixing the Leaky Pipeline for Women in Science: Addressing Issues Facing New Moms” at the annual meeting this past November. The panel not only told their stories, but gave advice to new mothers. It all mostly echoed one sentiment: be kind to yourself because you can’t do it all alone. Denise Cai @denisecai discussed her paralyzing and conflicting guilt. At work she’d be guilty for not being with her kids, and while with her kids she was guilty she wasn’t working enough. Her advice to others mothers was to “choose to not be guilty”. Jessica Barson @jbarson echoed that idea in her talk as she reminded us “you don’t have to be all things to all people.” You don’t need to be a perfect parent, you need to be a “good enough parent.” Striving for more is impossible. “Realize your limitations” Lauren Drogos @lldrogos reminds us. This seems like good advice for all parents, but I can see it is particularly important for mothers who have extra pressures on them. I now have a whole new respect for new mothers in science. I never realized how challenging it is for them. According to Anahita Hamidi @hamidi_anahita, married mothers have 27% lower odds to get tenure than married fathers with children. Rebecca Rodriquez discussed how mothers spend 4-8 hours a day breastfeeding. It is so much work that puts you against the odds of success. I suddenly realize I owe an apology to all the new mothers I met in grad school. Your hard work is amazing and I did not do enough to support you through this struggle. You are super heroes.
  6. Amanda Labuza

    Is there a best time to have kids?

    I’m curious if anyone out there has advice about the “best” time to have kids in your career. Particularly for Americans who don’t get much maternity leave? I am fully aware that everyone takes their own path and a working woman should be allowed to have kids whenever she chooses to. I’m not trying to diminish that. That being said, is there a time that is (relatively) easier to take maternity leave than others? Does anyone have any helpful advice for young women choosing this time-demanding career?
  7. Kimberly Raab-Graham

    Transitioning from technician to PhD student

    As I sit on many departmental admissions committees, I realize the value of having a “gap year” or a few years as a tech prior to entering into graduate school. However, sometimes that transition from “technician” to PhD student is difficult. All of sudden you are in charge of the direction and the success of your project. For those who have made the transition or PIs who have advice on how to successfully make the transition please add your sage advice below.
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