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  1. Have you checked out SfN's eNeuro Blog? Read the newest article and let us know your thoughts! Reviewing Editor Karl Herrup, PhD selected this paper and explains why he considers it noteworthy. While aggregates of the microtubule associated protein tau have been associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) since its first description, there are aspects of the tau/Alzheimer's relationship that are difficult to understand. Tau hyper-phosphorylation facilitates its aggregation in vitro and the anatomic sites of tau aggregates correlate well with the loss of cognitive function. While these observations have held up well, it has always been a puzzle why the same post-translational phosphorylations of the tau protein that characterize the pathological aggregates found in the Alzheimer's brain are also found, without consequence, during fetal development. Betters et al. report differences in proteins interacting with tau between fetal brain and both adult and AD brain that were not found between adult control and AD brain. Furthermore, the interaction between 14-3-3 and tau was primarily associated with 4R tau, which is lacking in fetal brain. The study does not solve the problem entirely but does offer an important advance that should be of interest to the field. Read the full article: Characterization of the Tau Interactome in Human Brain Reveals Isoform-Dependent Interaction with 14-3-3 Family Proteins Ryan K. Betters, Emma Luhmann, Amy C. Gottschalk, Zhen Xu, Mallory R. Shin, Christopher P. Ptak, Kimberly L. Fiock, Lilliana C. Radoshevich, and Marco M. Hefti Category: Editor's Pick Tags: Disorders of the Nervous System, Neuroscience Research
  2. On May 8th, the NIA release the recommendations of 60 experts on the Path to Treatment and Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. The recommendations are listed here http://www.nia.nih.gov/research/recommendations-nih-ad-research-summit-2015. I am very concerned about one particular recommendation from SESSION ONE: Interdisciplinary Research to Understand the Heterogeneity and Multifactorial Etiology of Disease. This recommendation states, “Accept the limitations of rodent animal models and divest from using behavioral endpoints as measures of therapeutic efficacy in favor of biochemical and physiological endpoints”. The problem is, most transgenic models of Alzheimer’s do not faithfully reflect the cognitive deficits characteristic of Alzheimer’s. The field is good at adding Aß to mice and then removing Aß from those mice, but that hasn’t translated into any clinical progress. It seems that the problem is in the model; we need to seek models that better reproduce clinical symptoms. If drugs reduce behavioral pathology in mice, then this might filter what goes to clinical trial in a more optimal way. What are your thoughts? Am I misinterpreting this?
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