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  1. The American Brain Foundation is offering over $5.5M in research funds through our 2022 grant programs, and I’m hoping that SfN might help us spread the word about these opportunities to eligible researchers and clinicians. All applications open on July 1, 2021. The 2022 Cure One, Cure Many Award: A research award for early diagnosis of Lewy body dementia (LBD) is a $3M award seeking to accelerate progress in the diagnosis of LBD. Applications should aim for discovery, validation, and acceleration of LBD-related biomarkers. Projects should specifically have the potential to identify one or more biomarkers that will support or confirm that Lewy body disease is the underlying cause of dementia at any stage. Proposals may address disorders across the LBD spectrum. Pre-proposal applications are due by July 30, 2021 at 5pm CT. The award RFA and application information is available at aan.com/cocm. We are also offering 18 early career scholarships. Applications are due no later than October 1, 2021; RFAs and application information is available at https://www.aan.com/education-and-research/research/aan-research-program/. Funding is available in the following areas: ALS Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias Cognitive aging and age-related memory loss Epilepsy Frontotemporal degeneration Lewy body diseases Migraine Multiple sclerosis Muscular dystrophy Myasthenia gravis Neuromuscular disease Parkinson’s disease Stroke Tourette syndrome We are also offering two funding opportunities in neuro health disparities research: an early career Clinical Research Training Scholarship in Neurodisparities, and seed grant funding to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in autism research.
  2. Nominations for SfN’s individual awards and prizes are now open! The deadline to nominate someone for an award is May 14, 2021 at 5:00 pm ET. SfN’s awards present an opportunity for members of all career stages, backgrounds, and research areas to receive recognition for the contributions to the field. Awards fall into the following categories: Outstanding Career and Research Achievement Awards honor the work of dedicated scientists who make outstanding contributions to the field of neuroscience through research, mentorship, and more. Science Education and Outreach Awards recognize the contributions made by educators and advocates to promote the field of neuroscience among students and the public at large. Promotion and Mentoring of Women in Neuroscience Awards honor the promotion and mentoring of women in neuroscience, including mentorship, professional development, and outstanding careers. Young Scientists’ Achievements and Research in Neuroscience Awards are for students, postdoctoral fellows, and scientists in the field for a decade or less who have contributed remarkable research or achievements. As part of the Society’s mission to broaden diversity in the field, nominations of women and international neurosciences are strongly encouraged. Membership is not required to be nominated in most cases, and most awards have a cash prize of up to $30,000! Nominate a student, mentor, or colleague by May 14, 2021 at 5:00 pm ET.
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