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  1. Stephanie Vose

    2019-2020 Live Chat #1 - Anxiety in Academia and Transition to Industry (2014 LATP Alum)

    Dr. Diego Ordonez Pasaje (@daordonezpa), a 2014 LATP Alum, will lead the first live chat of the 2019-2020 LATP. Dr. Ordonez Pasaje will discuss his personal experiences with anxiety in academia and his transition to industry. This live chat will take place on the LATP Community on Monday, December 16 from 12pm to 1pm ET.
    6 points
  2. Diego Rolando Hernández Espinosa

    Meet the 2024 Community Leaders!

    Hey there! My name is Diego, and I'm a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Neurobiology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. I'm passionate about understanding how our nervous system responds to inflammation and finding ways to improve neuronal survival after injury. I received my MD degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico School of Medicine in 2012, and then pursued a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences with a focus on neuropathology from the same institution. Apart from my research, I love sharing knowledge with people from all walks of life, and I'm particularly interested in promoting scientific awareness for the betterment of society. As a mentor, I strive to create an environment that fosters personal and academic growth, as well as overall well-being, for young scientists who are eager to learn and make a positive impact on the world.
    5 points
  3. Hugo Sanchez-Castillo

    Meet the 2024 Community Leaders!

    Greetings fellow scientists!! My name is Hugo Sanchez-Castillo, I'm from Mexico and its wonderful to be a Community Leader for this year!!!... I'm a Scientist from Mexico, my bachelor was in Experimental Psychology at the National University of Mexico. At that time I encountered myself with the behavioral pharmacology and I decided to follow the effects of drugs on the behavior. After that I did my PhD in Behavioral Neuroscience looking for the pharmacological basis of Timing Behavior. In that exciting years I knew the Timing gang from New York and I decided to follow they in the University of Columbia for my Postdoctoral formation. During this time I shared thoughts, science, meals, music and more with excelent researchers of NY. After that, I returned to Mexico and founded the Neuropsychopharmacology and Timing Laboratory. Actually we are working in the neurobiology of stress and PTSD related affections, and obviously The pharmacology of timing behavior. Besides the research Im professor of Psychopharmacology and Biological Basis of Behavior. Personally, I love science, music, movies, science fiction, BBQ the Mexican food (yes, Im from Mexico and I love our food!!!) and I LOVE THE SFN MEETING!... I hope to engage nice chats and conversations about diversity, science, movies and more!!!....
    5 points
  4. Brandon Coventry

    Meet the 2024 Community Leaders!

    Hello! My name is Dr. Brandon Coventry, and I'm very excited to be a member of the Neuronline community leaders! Before beginning my journey into neuroscience and neuroengineering, I was a touring musician, playing music across the United States with a wide variety of pop, funk, punk, and jazz professionals. During this time, I was also studying music at the University of Illinois which allowed for both study and a professional musician lifestyle. However, medical science and engineering was a persistent itch I knew I needed to scratch. I moved to St. Louis and received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Saint Louis University, doing research in biomedical signal processing. I then received my master's degree in electrical and computer engineering and a Ph.D. in Neural Engineering from Purdue University (go Boilers!) in 2021 where I studied novel optical deep brain stimulation technologies and artificially intelligent responsive neuromodulation. I am currently a postdoctoral research associate at the Wisconsin Institute for Transnational Neuroengineering (WITNe) housed in the Departments of Neurosurgery and Surgery at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. At WITNe, I am keenly interested in the neuroscience underlying neuromodulation and developing next-generation tools to facilitate more intricate insights into neural circuit function. I would love to continue in the academic world and am hoping to obtain an assistant professorship in the relatively near future. In my (increasingly decreasing) free time, I am still a freelance session musician and film composer with many of my works shown in venues across the world. I also have a keen interest in good coffee and am in constant search for the next best latte.
    5 points
  5. Kristen Ashley Horner

    Meet your 2023 Community Leaders!

    Hey y'all! Greetings from Nashville! ? My name is Ashley Horner, and I'm a Professor of Neuroscience at Frist College of Medicine at Belmont University in Nashville, TN. I received my PhD in Neuroscience from Tulane University in 2002 and spent almost 20 years studying basal ganglia pathways involved in methamphetamine-induced repetitive behaviors, as well as striatal circuits responsible for habitual methamphetamine self-administration. However, I have just recently transitioned from research to medical education. Frist College of Medicine is a new medical school, and we plan on opening our doors in the Fall 2024. So, now my days are filled with designing our neuroscience curriculum. It is very challenging, but also very exciting! I'm delighted to have the chance to discuss anything from addiction to curriculum design to major career transitions ?.
    5 points
  6. Maira Bicca

    2019-2020 Live Chat #6: Promoting Science Advocacy in Your Community

    Hi Ramiro, Thank you for asking that. Here are some things I did in the past or do currently. 1) A blog. There I do not specifically talk about science. I talk about my life and my experiences, which include science. So, in other words I am talking about science but avoiding jargon, using examples and metaphors, using pictures. I find it useful to engage people on what I do and to see science is for everyone. 2) A Facebook page. I post things in my personal account but I also participate on pages that I created with other students to talk about science. For instance, there is a Facebook page created by researchers from Rio de Janeiro, they invited my to participate on. In this page, every other week a grad student or post-doc is invited to post about their thesis/dissertation but it needs to be in a format easy to read by the general public, like a story or a novel. I find the idea marvelous, as people seem to be very curious to read things we post and that also forces us to be more aware of how we communicate with people. We need to put ourselves in their shoes. 3) A Instagram profile. This seems to be the more effective way so far. Instagram has been growing more and more and with it people are very frequently using it for business not solely to "share pictures". Again, I use my personal account and also have profiles w/ other students. We have lab profiles, where we post things that we are working on in the lab, department profiles, etc, just give a few examples. Also, profiles created by students, we invite people to write to our page and also to talk. As people seem to be interested in Instagram lives, specially during pandemic situation, we try to use this tool as much as possible. I engage to participate in friends lives about science and they do the same, so we support each other and help to spread the news so more people can access the content we are posting.
    5 points
  7. Maira Bicca

    2019-2020 Live Chat #6: Promoting Science Advocacy in Your Community

    That is a really good question! I am glad you brought it up Isis. I firmly believe we have to use social media in our favor. Specially in these times we are distant and the world future is relying more than ever in science and scientists. I do both of them, as we can reach maybe different public by doing it. So, I use my personal account to share important news and topics about what I work directly, as people that know me already are aware that I work for example with Alzheimer's and Pain, so I share content on it, from reliable sources, but most importantly I try to mention what has been done in the community by scientist that are not far away. I believe this way, people that are in my close circle can relate better to what we do and maybe get rid from that idea that science is something magical, distant, crazy... I also participate in projects were we create a Instagram profile directed to share science news and to answers peoples questions about science. In this sense, we usually reach more people, from different places. We gather a small group and everyone is responsible to feed the page and keep things going. I think this is a great way of using social media to spread reliable information and engage specially young people on our cause.
    5 points
  8. Marcos Aranda

    2019-2020 Live Chat #4 - Collaborations with International Partners & Funders (2015 Alum)

    Hi everyone! I hope I can share my experience with collaboration groups and we can all discuss / comment on the different topics that arise in this chat!
    5 points
  9. Daisy Gallardo

    Meet the 2024 Community Leaders!

    Hello SfN community! I am thrilled to be a Neuronline Community Leader. My name is Daisy Gallardo, and I'm a third year PhD Candidate in the Anatomy and Neurobiology department at the University of California, Irvine. My research focuses on neurodegeneration in an Alzheimer’s disease model, exploring how neuronal death could be delayed or reduced. I'm interested in mechanistic changes that occur as neurons age and how this could inform our approach to treating Alzheimer’s disease. My research interests align with my lifestyle interests, including topics like aging and non-pharmacological approaches to disease prevention, such as exercise. I’m an avid runner and participate in strength/running races, marathons and obstacle course races. I’m excited to engage with all of you in critical discussions and learn from diverse perspectives.
    4 points
  10. valeria muoio

    Meet the 2024 Community Leaders!

    Hello everybody! My name is Valeria Muoio and I am a neurosurgeon at the University of Sao Paulo, in Brazil. I have always been a person who is unhappy with the outcome of some neurological diseases, especially in children, and for that reason, I got involved in research. I obtained my doctorate at the University of São Paulo with a period at Johns Hopkins University. Afterwards, I worked as a researcher at Charite University in Berlin. Currently, I work as a neurosurgeon and researcher at the University of São Paulo. I am fascinated by people, in their incredible richness and diversity. I believe I take this passion to my medical students, and try to show how vital neuroscience is - it not only explains our ailments but also explains who we are. Last year, I had the honor of participating as SFN's Community Leader, and I can say that being part of such a group changed many aspects of my career. For this year, I am excitedly preparing my department's Brain Awareness Week, where hundreds of students in different states of Brazil will participate. And of course, I intend to serve and participate in SFN with all the excellent opportunities and people it brings together. Cheers to all!
    4 points
  11. Katrina Armstrong

    Meet your 2023 Community Leaders!

    Hello everyone! My name is Katrina Armstrong and I am currently a PhD Candidate at the University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Canada). I completed my MSc also at the University of Manitoba under the guidance of Drs. Katinka Stecina and Larry Jordan. My research is dedicated to understanding the descending neural circuits for movement, specifically the role that serotonin may play either in initiating or facilitating movement. I have always been passionate about sports, and I have recently begun participating in programs that bring sport to underrepresented communities. This January, I had the opportunity to play ice hockey with the Kenya Ice Lions in Nairobi. In combination with The Friendship League and The Urban Hockey Foundation, we were able to provide a large equipment donation to fuel the growth of hockey in Kenya. I look forward to our further discussions on the Neuronline platform!
    4 points
  12. Bin Yin

    Meet your 2023 Community Leaders!

    Greetings from China! My name is Bin Yin and I got my PhD from Duke in 2016, studying neurobiological mechanisms of timing and time perception in animal models. Now I have my own research team in China, although a very small one with limited resources available. But this does not prevent me from pursuing high-quality research elucidating developmental (both psych & neuro) mechanisms underlying learning and behavior. I am excited to have this chance to discuss with you all the intriguing questions in relation to learning and behavior!
    4 points
  13. Julia Araujo

    Meet your 2023 Community Leaders!

    Greetings from Brazil! My name is Julia Araujo. I'm an undergraduate student at a medical school program in my country. I have been researching since High School and Neuroscience has been a passion of mine for even longer. I'm so excited that I got to join SfN's Community Leaders group! I hope to meet you all as much as I will be presenting more about myself in further posts.
    4 points
  14. Isis Nem De Oliveira Souza

    2019-2020 Live Chat #6: Promoting Science Advocacy in Your Community

    I was trying to find a interview by Neil DeGrasse Tyson (and failed haha), where he broadly speaks about the resistance from the own scientific community with scientists that work on scientific awareness. As if we are not giving the correct amount of time to lab work when we do that, effectively going against the terms and conditions of fellowships and work contracts. However, I don't think this is something we must dedicate ourselves to exclusively in our free time! It is, like Rodrigo said, a role we must take as scientists, it is, indeed, our job. Have you found any resistance from PIs or institutions when dedicating to scientific awareness projects?
    4 points
  15. Marangelie Criado Marrero

    2019-2020 Live Chat #5 - Work/Life Balance (2018 Alumna)

    We should start by saying that everyone has their own definition of "work/life" balance. This goes with my previous comment. It depends on the expectations. I read the comments and see that some consider working weekends as part of their balance and others focused to be organized on weekdays. This is the same as the expectations from a PhD or postdoc. Some PIs believe that you should do experiments at the lab (including weekends) and write at home (no personal life!). This should NOT be our norm, but it is widely accepted.
    4 points
  16. valeria muoio

    What are you Researching?

    As a neurosurgeon, I feel deeply dissatisfied with the treatment available to treat our patients. We certainly need to increase our therapeutic arsenal. I believe that this dissatisfaction is the driving force behind my work (I believe that many colleagues share this feeling) I currently have 3 lines of work and research 1. neurooncology: we look for therapeutic targets for childhood tumors that are more prevalent in pediatrics, such as medulloblastoma and ependymoma 2. cerebral palsy and movement disorders (especially in children). Children with cerebral palsy have many problems with locomotion and motility (especially spasticity and dystonia). The most commonly used treatments today (drugs and surgeries such as DBS (deep brain stimulation) still need to be greatly improved. My team is researching new interventions in the connectome of these children, such as new targets, microfocused ultrasound and different brain stimulation techniques. 3.Education: training new generations is a fundamental factor for the development of neuroscience, as well as ensuring a healthy environment where minds can offer their best. My passion is to help new neurosurgeons and healthcare students embrace neuroscience in a happy and responsible way
    3 points
  17. Jayalakshmi Viswanathan

    Meet the 2024 Community Leaders!

    Hello Neuonliners! I am honored by the opportunity to contribute to this wonderful community and am looking forward to serving as a community leader for this year. I’m Jaya Viswanathan, a neuroscientist, engineer, author, and artist born and raised in India. I earned a Master’s in neuroscience and a Doctorate in cognitive neuroscience before working as a post-doctoral fellow. I am currently a KGS Contractor Program Analyst in the Division of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging where I support program development to achieve the research goals of the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. This includes efforts to improve the rigor and reproducibility in published research through the Alzheimer’s disease Preclinical Efficacy Database (AlzPED), as well as using open science and big data approaches to address the big neuroscience questions. Apart from my scientific pursuits, or rather, in parallel to them, I have been passionate about communicating science and making scientific concepts more accessible to a lay audience. In service to that goal, I authored and illustrated an award-winning neuroscience and neuroart book for children, Baby Senses: A Sensory Neuroscience Primer for All Ages (https://babysensesbook.com/). I also wrote a neuronline article about neuroscience education (https://neuronline.sfn.org/outreach/inspiring-young-scientists-through-art-science-and-poetry), and have been a guest on numerous educational video /audio podcast episodes in the service of the same goal (https://babysensesbook.com/brains-art-and-more/). As a Neuronline community leader I hope to contribute to generating resources for neuroscience communication, supporting career development for diverse neuroscientists, developing resources for conducting rigorous and reproducible science, and enhancing the dialogue between neuroscience and society on various issues.
    3 points
  18. Hugo Sanchez-Castillo

    "We Are Still Alive As Scientists": A Ukrainian Scientist’s Story of Perseverance

    First, I want to say to all scientists that science matters, that even in these complicated conditions, science matters. When I saw the video I felt sadness for all situations, but at the same time, I felt that there is hope whereas we stand for science. In the same way that the Ukranian Fellows stand and resist for science. In Mexico, we don't have this kind of problem, but we have different adversities that change society and science (drug cartels, natural disasters, social movements, strikes, etc.). In my case, we faced a huge strike in the 2000 year, I was a student and I was researching with rats and drug discrimination. In the beginning, everybody thought that the strike would be only a few days. However, after two months things changed, the strike did not show possibilities of change and all the researchers and academics started to worry about the future. I remember that we went to talk with the heads of the movement and we explained why we should continue with the science. At this moment we were so nervous because in the past, one social clamor released all the experimental subjects and that was a possible choice for the heads of the strike. After a few days, the heads of the strike told us that we were allowed to continue with the experimental work, but there would be no external resources or participation of any person or entity. We accepted those terms and we did everything (the experiments, the training, the cleaning, the maintenance of the building, the baths, etc!!). The strike was for one year, in that year we stood and resisted for science, It was hard but at the end, we didn't stop science. Finally, I would like to add that science is part of society, if something happens in society of course it's going to impact science. We should be prepared and ready to stand for science and the changes in our society.
    3 points
  19. Diego Rolando Hernández Espinosa

    What are you Researching?

    I gained significant knowledge in characterizing microglial activation and polarization in vivo and in vitro central nervous system injury models. As a postdoctoral researcher, I have continued to enhance my skills in examining microglia activation and neurotoxicity in different models of neuronal damage by utilizing molecular biology, biochemistry, and confocal microscopy techniques. I aim to unravel the molecular mechanisms governing microglia activation and how immunoregulatory processes influence their behavior. By identifying signals regulating their activation, we hope to develop targeted immunomodulatory strategies to mitigate neuroinflammation and its detrimental effects, ultimately enhancing brain resilience.
    3 points
  20. Brandon Coventry

    What are you Researching?

    Neurological disorders involving dysfunction or deregulation of neural circuits such as Parkinson's disease, Epilepsy, and others are chronic and progressive diseases that severely impact quality of life. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has emerged as an effective and efficacious treatment paradigm for these "circuitopathies" as well as a powerful tool for exploring basic functionality of neural circuits. Despite DBS' clinical and scientific successes, it is fraught with off target stimulation and a lack of understanding of the underlying neural mechanisms of effective stimulation. My research centers around the development of new neural stimulation and recording tools to better understand and translate neuromodulation therapies. To this end, I have worked in the following areas: 1. Optical DBS to constrain stimulation only to local microcircuits implicated in disease. 2. Development of chronic small and large animal implantable pulse generators (IPGs) to better mimic clinical DBS practice in rodent and pig models. 3. Study of differential thalamocortical dynamics and thalamic contributions to traveling cortical waves 4. Development of awake behaving calcium imaging tools in DBS rat models to better understand thalamic entrainment of DBS stimuli. 5. AI-enabled closed-loop neuromodulation tools that learn subject neural dynamics in real time to provide target stimulation only when needed. My research is driven by a desire to serve those whose neurological conditions currently have no recourse to current medicine. I am equal parts engineer and neuroscientist and work to translate new neuromodulation tools which work with, and not against, the nervous system to provide safer and more efficacious medical tools.
    3 points
  21. Hugo Sanchez-Castillo

    Artificial Intelligence in Neuroscience

    The first law is that a robot shall not harm a human, or by inaction allow a human to come to harm. The second law is that a robot shall obey any instruction given to it by a human The third law is that a robot shall avoid actions or situations that could cause it to come to harm itself. Isaac Asimov´s laws
    3 points
  22. Wael Mohamed

    Share some Advice

    Hi all.....I think the best advice from my supervisor was try to FOCUS. Focus on what you are doing and move slowly towards your careers goals. Also he advised me to expand my network and collaborate with others. I apply these advices till now and I have a motto of : United We Concur.....so I am always eager to expand my professional network and keen to start new collaboration.
    3 points
  23. Julia Araujo

    Share some Advice

    Once more, I loved the topic brought for discussion! Though it's such a hard task choosing just a single piece of advice, I believe it has to do with something I've recently heard from one of our coordinators (here at my university): "Once you're in doubt between options to pursue research at, just write a piece of review." Here I justify that, although it has much to do with the situation I'm currently at - and I highlight it, just as I've said in my latest post, here at the Community Leader's forum - I'm truthfully in the opinion of having it applied to further circumstances in any scientific career. For an instance, it doesn't matter how much you already know about a certain subject (or its subdivisions) going back to the simplicity - just as a review article might look to be like - helps us figuring out better options and visualising the scenario from multiple perspectives. Certainly, from plenty of help I've received throughout High School and short time of undergraduation, so far, I've recently started to realise, whenever we're in doubt, advices start coming up as both a assurance (a relief, whenever it coincides with our personal choices) and as a new way of seeing things. Nonetheless, in this last case, it's impressive how much we got to learn, doesn't matter how old we are. Assuredly, anyone is able to teach and to learn. (Is that a second advice I've had already received? I guess so.) Back to the piece I've decided to emphasize, along with summing up, while picking up my path of research at college, the review article I prompt myself on writing can be published by the end! Which scientist doesn't like the feeling of publishing our works? Thank you, professor, for your advising!
    3 points
  24. Mathew Abrams

    Meet your 2023 Community Leaders!

    Hej! Greetings from Sweden. My name is Mathew Birdsall Abrams. I am the Director of Science and Training at the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF), an organization dedicated to the development, evaluation, and endorsement of standards and best practices that embrace the principles of open, FAIR, and citable neuroscience. INCF also provides training on how standards and best practices facilitate reproducibility and enables the publishing the entirety of research outputs, including data and code. I am recovering experimental spinal cord injury researcher turned neuroinformatics enthusiast. I am passionate about open science, neurotechnology, and FAIR data management. I look forward to discussing with you all.
    3 points
  25. Hugo Sanchez-Castillo

    Meet your 2023 Community Leaders!

    Hola!!! My name is Hugo Sanchez-Castillo... Im from México and I'm Professor/researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. My research is focused to understand the neurobiology pf PTSD and the stress related disorders. However I love the behavioral pharmacology and timing behavior either. I like to discuss about science and I hope to contribute to this group and to build bridges with the different groups.
    3 points
  26. valeria muoio

    Meet your 2023 Community Leaders!

    Hey everyone! My name is Valéria Muoio , I am a neurosurgeon based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I did my PhD at the University of São Paulo, with a sandwich period at Johns Hopkins University. I also worked as a scientist at the Charite University in Berlin- Germany. I split my time between the surgical center, the laboratory and teaching at the medical school in Sao Paulo. I believe that such activities are complementary and I think it's beautiful when we transmit this complementarity to the new generations. Exchanging experiences as human beings (not just our technical knowledge) improves our craft and our career perception. I hope I can contribute to the group and I can't wait to learn from everyone.
    3 points
  27. Stephanie Vose

    2019-2020 Live Chat #6: Promoting Science Advocacy in Your Community

    2014 LATP Fellow, @Maira BiccaPhD, will lead a discussion on Promoting Science Advocacy in Your Community on Thursday, May 28 from 10:00a.m. to 11:00a.m. EDT. This live chat will take place on the LATP Community, in the thread below. Maíra Assunção Bicca is currently a Neurosurgery postdoctoral (PD)-fellow at the Sleep and Pain Research Lab, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA. Previously, Neurobiology PD-fellow at Northwestern University, Evanston, USA and Immunopharmacology PD-fellow at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil. Graduated in Pharmacy (2010), Master (2012) and Doctor (2016) of Pharmacology, with emphasis in Neuroscience - UFSC, Brazil. Research on the cause-consequence effects in between sleep disturbance and pain sensation with projects focused on the underlying mechanisms by which one affects the other. Research interests also include the amyloid-beta induced toxicity in a variety of AD experimental models and Clinical trials. Collaborator in a number of projects that engage Brazilian and International researchers concerning the immunobiology of viruses and bacteria, pain, inflammation, PTSD, anxiety and depression, Parkinson's disease, and cancer. Can't attend this chat live? That's OK! You can start the conversation by adding your questions/comments now or continue the conversation later by adding your questions/comments afterwards!
    3 points
  28. Maira Bicca

    2019-2020 Live Chat #6: Promoting Science Advocacy in Your Community

    Hi Maira, Thanks for sharing! Any tips for how to create or improve our science contents for social media? Could you recommend us some websites to find more information? Hi, I'll answer here both Ricardo and Kathia 'cause they have kind of similar questions. First of all, I am doing fine Ricardo, thank you for asking. Sometimes, I feel like my brain has left my body and sometimes I feel like my brain can't stop..I blame the pandemics...lol Lots of exercising, reading, watching videos, listening to music, and videochating with family and friends to stay sane. Hope you are doing fine as well. I'll answer here both you and Kathia 'cause you guys have kind of similar questions. Well, I do not use particular websites to create content like videos, jingles, etc but I do use apple and windows video and picture editors to add figures, gifs, color, music, to my posts. I try to be simple but fun in general. Here are two tips on tools that help me create content: 1. Mindthegraph. Is a platform to create infographs, charts, etc. The drawings are so cool and so colorful, you can create many things using their templates. When the figures and content you present are nice and clean, people will pay attention. 2. Resultados digitais. Instagram: @resdigitais. They are specialized in create content for social media, to engage people. I watch videos from them, check their memes, to get inspired and try to apply that to my content. As they are very directed to social media they are frequently on top pf their game about memes that are "trends for now". I found interesting and efficient to use these memes, that people really like, to communicate science.
    3 points
  29. Maira Bicca

    2019-2020 Live Chat #6: Promoting Science Advocacy in Your Community

    Hi Raquel, Sure. I graduated from the department of Pharmacology at UFSC in South of Brazil. There, we had a solid group working on Neuroscience. We organized few events for different public. For instance, we organized a science fair about the brain physiology and pathology, focusing on kids and seniors and we brought this event to a shopping mall. Another example, we used to promote summer courses to community high school students on drug discovery, actions and side effects. Of course, you need financial support for these types of events, that is why we were trying to engage local small business to contribute with us.
    3 points
  30. Stephanie Vose

    2019-2020 Live Chat #5 - Work/Life Balance (2018 Alumna)

    2018 LATP Fellow, @Yorka Munoz PhD, will lead a discussion on Work/Life Balance and Managing During COVID-19 on Friday, April 17 from 12:00p.m. to 1:00p.m. EDT. This live chat will take place on the LATP Community, in the thread below. Yorka Munoz is a Biologist, MSc. and PhD in Molecular, Cellular Biology and Neuroscience from the University of Chile. Nowadays, she works as a postdoctoral fellow at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She is interested in elucidating the role of astrocytes in memory processes and Alzheimer’s disease. During her PhD, she obtained two fellowship to attend to courses (3rd ISN Latin American school of Advance Neurochemistry (2014) and 10th IBRO-USCRC Canadian School of Neuroscience (2016)), three International Travel Grants to attend to conferences (13th ADPD (Austria, 2017), NeuroFrance 2017 (France, 2017) and 26th ISN-ESN Biennal Meeting (France, 2017) and she was a Latin American Training Program fellow in 2018. Dr. Munoz will discuss the importance of keeping a balance between work and personal life, talking about her experience during her PhD program. Can't attend this chat live? That's OK! You can start the conversation by adding your questions/comments now or continue the conversation later by adding your questions/comments afterwards!
    3 points
  31. Isis Nem De Oliveira Souza

    2019-2020 Live Chat #5 - Work/Life Balance (2018 Alumna)

    Since we are in the topic, for the mothers and fathers in the thread, Nature did an article on balancing work/childcare during the pandemic recently! https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01060-x
    3 points
  32. Julian Naizaque

    2019-2020 Live Chat #5 - Work/Life Balance (2018 Alumna)

    Hi Maria! You mentioned two tools (Asana and Slack) what are this two about? how do you use these in your lab?
    3 points
  33. Raquel Maria Campos

    2019-2020 Live Chat #5 - Work/Life Balance (2018 Alumna)

    Are anyone here feeling a pressure form your sponsor to be productive and write papers and do webseminars and be the most productive ever in this quarentine? I have some friends are very anxious during quarentine and are not handling this. Do you have any advice for that or some similar is happening to you @Yorka Munoz
    3 points
  34. Isis Nem De Oliveira Souza

    2019-2020 Live Chat #5 - Work/Life Balance (2018 Alumna)

    I have the same feeling. Different labs/projects put different expectations on your productivity. I had good work/life balance in my Master's but switch lab and project and fell short during most of my PhD. I think it's important to set your own personal boundaries on what you are capable of delivering and try not to rely so much on external expectation.
    3 points
  35. Stephanie Vose

    How is COVID-19 impacting your research?

    It's no news that the COVID-19 virus has many institutions concerned about public health and safety. As many universities and institutions around the world are going remote, or shutting down entirely, we'd like to give you to the opportunity to discuss any challenges your own lab is facing and how you're overcoming those challenges. Is your research being impacted by any mandatory closures? Leave your replies below and check out what others are saying about COVID-19 in the broader Neuronline Community discussion thread.
    3 points
  36. Marcos Aranda

    2019-2020 Live Chat #4 - Collaborations with International Partners & Funders (2015 Alum)

    Good question! Honestly in my experience that did not happen. I think there are several reasons why some advisor are resistant to collaborations: perhaps due to concerns about the time it will take you to stay in the collaborating laboratory and this will be conceived as a 'bad investment' time; Or perhaps because of the thought that you have sufficient financing to carry out your project and you do not need to leave your laboratory. I think a good option is to discuss / ask about the benefits of collaborating beyond those issues related to time / money. What do you think?
    3 points
  37. Julian, I'll give you my opinion, but I don't have much experience in this particular topic. I think that depends on your particular project. As far as I know, in projects that are related to neurodegenerative diseases (for example, related to translational studies) the sources of financing are more abundant than the rest of the areas. Probably if your area of study is part of a field more considered as 'basic science', perhaps it is more convenient to look for a collaborator.
    3 points
  38. Stephanie Vose

    2019-2020 Live Chat #3 - International Funding (2016 LATP Alumni)

    This live chat was led by 2016-2017 LATP Alumni @Danielle Beckman, PhD and @Giovanne Diniz, PhD who led a discussion on international funding! This live chat took place on Zoom on Wednesday, February 26 from 10am to 11am ET. Unable to attend this chat live? That's okay! Submit your questions and comments below to continue the conversation here! A copy of the presentation can be downloaded below. International_Funding_Presentation.pptx
    3 points
  39. Marcos Aranda

    2019-2020 Live Chat #4 - Collaborations with International Partners & Funders (2015 Alum)

    Thanks you for the question Fernando! In my experience, the collaborating laboratory was the one that got the financing for me to travel. In any case, there are different types of scholarships for stays abroad that can be financed by national organizations (in Argentina, BECAR fellowships, for example the Ministry of Education), by SfN, IBRO, FENS; and others that can be granted by the destination countries (for example Fulbright, in the case of the USA https://us.fulbrightonline.org/). Are any of you interested in doing an international collaboration?
    3 points
  40. Dulce Arzate

    2019-2020 Live Chat #2 - IBRO/USCRC Fellowship Experience (2016 LATP Alum)

    Thank you, Stephanie. I'm sorry, I have class. I really enjoyed the conversation, if you have any question, please e-mail me
    3 points
  41. Dulce Arzate

    2019-2020 Live Chat #2 - IBRO/USCRC Fellowship Experience (2016 LATP Alum)

    Since most of the courses are specialized, I believe that you need to let them know, 1)how are you going to benefit from that course?, you know, the impact on your current project; 2) if others can benefit, because you're going to bring that knowledge to your research group
    3 points
  42. Dulce Arzate

    2019-2020 Live Chat #2 - IBRO/USCRC Fellowship Experience (2016 LATP Alum)

    Well, I think it would be better if you wait. In that way, you're going to have a project and you can choose a course that will be more beneficial.
    3 points
  43. Stephanie Vose

    2019-2020 Live Chat #2 - IBRO/USCRC Fellowship Experience (2016 LATP Alum)

    After each 3-week LATP Fellows course, the course organizers select 2 Fellows who exhibited outstanding performance during the live course. The Fellows then must select a course at MBL or CSHL (from an approved list) and apply for the course. Upon acceptance, the award is granted.
    3 points
  44. Stephanie Vose

    2019-2020 Live Chat #1 - Anxiety in Academia and Transition to Industry (2014 LATP Alum)

    Hello everyone and welcome to the first live chat of the 2019-2020 LATP!
    3 points
  45. Daisy Gallardo

    Spreading Neuroscience Throughout all Communities

    Thinking back on what I would've benefited from the most while growing up in an underserved community, neuroscience outreach workshops and lab tours would've been the most helpful. I believe hands-on experiences are the best at demystifying neuroscience in the younger population and sparking curiosity in the older population as well. The workshops could be, for example, visiting a classroom or community center, guiding the participants through brain dissections and explaining the different structures along with their function. Lab tours are also beneficial as they help students envision what an academic career in neuroscience would be like, and allow for the older population to get a better understanding of how experiments are done. As Hugo rightly pointed out, accessibility is key. Explaining concepts without overwhelming jargon is essential for maintaining the attention of non-scientists and maximizing understanding of the concepts being explained. By making neuroscience easy to understand and relatable, we can further its dissemination.
    2 points
  46. An initial project underneath the topic of childhood depression, powered by collaborations and which ought to inspire SfN’s members as it continues constantly (scientifically) improving: Dr. Luby’s Scientific Research Webinar - now on demand - was broadcasted on January 4th. Including an experienced personal guidance, questions of thoughtful participants, brilliant research prospects and a explanation of inspirational publications, my summary shall update and take us all to new discussions - as prompted by Dr. Joan L. Luby - or even present a new topic for those passionate about Neuroscience. Initially, it’s important to describe an initial collaboration among the brain and the behavior that, after all, besides naming after the research, emphasises the trust, the respect and one of the key aspects (highlighted by our presenter) that made the incredible work possible: the meeting of Psychology and Neuroimaging. This way, a public health objective of addressing children under the age of 6 with diagnosed clinical depression and developing early intervention for such group, became something even greater. After all, what still has a high potential for clinical translation based on design studies, structured itself on a collaboration. Due to the feasibility of imaging kids aged about 6, there was a skeptical professional view of a neuroimaging specialist. Nonetheless, intrigued by population studies and accumulated data on adults with schizophrenia and depression, the context of neuro data transformed into a follow up and the path for certain questions. Would the development of functional and social impairments be spontaneously remitted by school age? What about the chronicity endurance of the disorder for the later childhood and adolescence? Those aged from 3 to 6 years with depression characteristics - comparatively to those with called normative sadness and other disorders - already faced different health impairments and other different psychological conditions whose, relying on development, behavior and psychosocial variables, represented an interaction of emotion development and risks for psychopathologies. Yet, with much more that came through the webinar, it could only become clearer on how the direct collaboration of phenomenological studies and neuro data had just adjoined themselves for a path of Early Childhood Psychopathology’s Intervention discoveries, targeting control variables all the way to becoming central emerging ones. From Dr. Luby’s words: “Don't be so focused on what you initially proposed so you ignore what you did discover…” The hippocampi with varied volumes proved to be the Neuroimaging interaction from animal models and well-stablished Methylation Mechanism with the psychosocial ideas - by means, concepts - of the targets. The licking (and, therefore, psychosocial aspect), the DNA transformation, demethylation, glucorticord receptors impacted, the hippocampus volume: it had to do with the caregivers. In fact, those videotaped by blind coders based on maternal support (considering the volume variation of school aged hippocampi) were the poverty mediation and the stressful (or poor) parenting that had to do with the initial questions. Along the targeting for early intervention, it was possible to take notes on the optimal data on subcortical grey matter volumes up to the impact of biological systems. The Neuro-immune Network Hypothesis, after all, showed to us how adverse, abusive and depriving environments communicated with immune cells in materials which participate in responses, health behaviours and unrelated outcomes. Scientifically, the bridge between learning, education and interventions was stablished. Textually, the presentation ignites a whole group of topics still to be written about. For an instance, an opinion piece on basic Neuroscience research - parallel to Model researches on single neurons level (on other animals) and to circuit or structural (on humans) - the composition and the collaboration extended itself towards the impact on public health. Indeed, the cross-talking of a sensitive period of visual, language, emotional, cognitive and social for Early Interventions and Early Precautions symbolises the questions to construct an optimisation plan. When and which opportunities shall be increased by the influence of environmental factors? Following up, the Early Life Adversity Biological and Embedding Study (a collaboration between Preterm and Neuroscience) was the key to investigate the mechanisms and the risks - along with theirs respective increases and decreases - on the offspring of the uncertainties regarding pregnancy (preterm birth). Upon consideration of NMH (cytokines markers), the stool and blood samples (to do with inflammation) - as well as the caregiver-child relationship (considered was a protective and trajectory factor) - there were discoveries. In terms of the caregivers, poverty had a lot to do with a high Neuroplasticity in fetus development. Smaller grey and white volumes were functions to point out the disadvantageous experiences by the fetus as early as possible. Violent crime exposures, with impacts of neonatal frontal-limbic connectivity, added to the first statement of this paragraph. Lastly, mediated by a smaller cortical grey matter volume, what was thought to be a factor for preterm birth, actually represented sleep disfunction and chronodisruption, on the outcomes by mechanical aspects. By the end, poverty - rhythmically transmitted to the fetus - is an alteration in developing child brains with a higher risk for psychopathology and, therefore, the highlight of these fascinating collaborations. To elucidate, as following up the collection of samples, sleep and circadian rhythms (continuing as the offsprings) and the nonographies (with school age kids from initial study), EEGs performed on humans and animal research on circadian cycles (with Neuroimaging) gathers all of the work and the relationship that ought to be consolidated. In general, as learned through the content of the webinar, the literature on sleep (synaptic) functions, homeostasis and how socio-emotional aspects correlate to sleep formulate important prospects once sleep duration, timing and stages are analysed at a greater sleep/wake ratio on the course of Brain Development. As for the intervention itself, a Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Emotional Development (PCIT-ED) - for preschoolers with depression - relies on the effects of Reward Response (Erp), considering baseline and post intervention. By the end of this incredible scientific journey, Dr. Luby’s words resonate within personal factors, indispensable for us all to manage failure and rejection; question our own findings (what has to do with flexibility); keep goal focused (as being loyal to the truth); have fun (on the matter of not taking yourself too seriously while balancing your work); choose your collaborations (including trust, work habits and respect); keep an eye on health and science impacts: they are symbols of experience and wisdom we shall appreciate Dr. Luby for. Top 6 webinar questions answered: Who can be the primary caregiver? Response: Anyone who ought to offer the needed support. What about brain changes related to each psychopathology? R.: Some do have relations, others are still not clear. What about temperament reports and quizzes? R.: There was a moderating effect. What about cortisol dynamics and diet screen? R.: Yes, there is alteration considering that. What about the measure of Immune? R.: The activation or not of cytokines were the main measure, thought there was not a direct one, there is some looking to brain inflammation. Which would be the best interventions? R.: Focus on caregivers and the environment.
    2 points
  47. Maira Bicca

    2019-2020 Live Chat #6: Promoting Science Advocacy in Your Community

    Looking forward to our Chat!
    2 points
  48. Stephanie Vose

    2019-2020 Live Chat #3 - International Funding (2016 LATP Alumni)

    Hi Isis - The live chat was not recorded and is not available on-demand. Here is a copy of the PowerPoint presentation from the live chat. I have reached out to @Danielle Beckman and @Giovanne Diniz to answer your questions! Stephanie International_Funding_Presentation.pptx
    2 points
  49. Dulce Arzate

    2019-2020 Live Chat #2 - IBRO/USCRC Fellowship Experience (2016 LATP Alum)

    OK, I understand, and you're right. The benefits vary a lot, however, take into account that you're taking a course at the MBL (prestige!), you're traveling to another country to take a state-of-the-art course, taking dinner with a potential new advisor, etc. I definitely believe that it opens new possibilities, it's not direct, you have to work for it and keep in touch
    2 points
  50. I think, it is about your motivation and goals. The group was very, very diverse, from postdocs to early-carreer graduate students
    2 points
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