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Neuroscience 2024

Neuroscience 2024 will take place in Chicago from Oct. 5th - Oct. 9th. This forum centers around questions that focus on the Annual Meeting preparation such as answering content questions or finding a roommate to split a hotel room with.  


  1. Roommate Matching Forum

    This Neuroscience 2024 Roommate Matching Forum is open to both SfN members and non-members.

    Please note that this is a public forum, so use discretion when posting identifying information. Review this post for more information about maintaining privacy in the forum. If you prefer not to list your contact information here to connect with other users about sharing hotel accommodations, consider sending a private message instead. You can do this by clicking on the user you wish to contact from the post they have published or by posting and asking interested users to send you a private message. If you have any questions or concerns, email meetings@sfn.org or digitallearning@sfn.org

    Additionally, please read the attached 2024 SfN Roommate Matching Forum Disclaimer and Code of Conduct.



    2024 SfN Roommate Matching Forum Disclaimer and Code of Conduct.pdf

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