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INCEPT: Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Colloquia of Extramural Postdoc Talks

Cashen Almstead

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Cashen Almstead

Harvard Medical School (HMS) will start soon to collect applications for the second series of our extramural postdoctoral seminar series “INCEPT: Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Colloquia of Extramural Postdoc Talks” (https://neuro.hms.harvard.edu/events/incept-interdisciplinary-neuroscience-colloquia-extramural-postdoc-talks).

This program features scientific talks from talented postdocs affiliated to a US institution in the field of neuroscience. Speakers will share their research with the HMS community, receive valuable feedback, and directly interact with fellow postdocs and faculty members.

The next “HMS INCEPT” series will take place during Winter and Spring of 2021. We welcome applications from senior postdocs in any field of neurobiology: genetics, molecular, cellular, physiology, systems, behavioral, and computational.

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