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Helpful Resources During COVID-19 (from APA)

Stephanie Vose

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Stephanie Vose

Special thanks to the Minority Fellowship Program of the American Psychological Association for sharing these helpful resources during COVID-19. 

General Resources: 



World Health Organization

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network



Practitioners and Healthcare Professionals





  • Coronavirus: Information for Healthcare Professionals
    This web page provides interim guidance for healthcare professionals on what they should know about the coronavirus, how to treat patients with possible infection, how they can protect themselves and other information.


Preparedness and Safety Resources






  • When and How to Wash Your Hands
    Handwashing is one of the best ways to protect from getting sick. Learn when and how to wash your hands to stay healthy.

  •  Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities
    Help information on how to protect yourself and your community from getting and spreading illnesses like the coronavirus. Includes information on how to get one’s household ready, schools, university, places of work, and large community/ mass gathering events. 

  •  Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs)
    This page provides information for public health officials and other decision makers with educational tools, resources, pandemic planning guides, checklists, and select research about the types of NPIs and how they work in different settings.

  •  Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020


World Health Organization

  • Getting Your Workplace Ready for COVID-19 (PDF, 604KB)
    This resource provides information for businesses and employers on how they can play a role in preventing the spread of the coronavirus in the workplace, what employers should consider when it comes to employee travel, and what to do if the community becomes affected.


Red Cross


MIT Technology Review


Resources for Parents and Caregivers

 The National Child and Traumatic Stress Network


National Association of School Psychologists


New York Times







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