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    REGISTER NOW! The job of the postdoctoral fellow is, simply put, to get another job. Postdocs face significant challenges posed by the need to quickly learn a new field and formulate new hypotheses. As such, successfully navigating the postdoc-PI relationship is essential to the success and wellness of the postdoc. In this webinar, panelists will discuss ‘fit’ in a postdoc position, building a collaborative relationship between the postdoc and PI, and planning for the next career step. Learning objectives: At the conclusion of the webinar, you will gain insights from several different career stages and perspectives regarding: How to define, for yourself, the purpose of a postdoctoral position Different things to value or consider with respect to finding the right ‘fit’ for a postdoctoral lab Strategies to build a collaborative, mutually beneficial relationship between a postdoc and a PI Some examples for how one might navigate a difficult conversation between a postdoc and a PI
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    REGISTER NOW! Join this interactive session as Dr. Felix Felmy and Dr. Nikolaos Kladisios discuss their paper, “Synaptic Mechanisms underlying Temporally Precise Information Processing in the VNLL, an auditory brainstem nucleus”, with JNeurosci Reviewing Editor Ruth Anne Eatock. Attendees can submit questions at registration and live during the webinar. Below is the significance statement of the paper published on June 22, 2022, in JNeurosci and authored by Nikolaos Kladisios, Linda Fischer, Florian Jenzen, Michael Rebhan, Christian Leibold, and Felix Felmy Auditory information processing in the brainstem is a prerequisite for generating our auditory representation of the environment. Thereby, many processing steps rely on temporally precise filtering. Precise feed forward inhibition is a key motif in auditory brainstem processing and produced through sign inversion at several large somatic excitatory synapses. A particular feature of the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus is to produce temporally precise onset inhibition with little temporal variance independent of sound intensity. Our cell-physiology and modeling data explain how the synaptic characteristics of different current components and their short-term plasticity are tuned to establish sound intensity-invariant onset inhibition that is crucial for filtering out spurious frequency information.
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    REGISTER NOW! Social media has profoundly changed the ways information is communicated and news can be manipulated by groups, aimed at spreading their opinions rather than scientifically verified data. Consequently, communication has become more difficult for researchers who had to modify the way they communicate in order to meet public attention. During this online event, panelists will discuss and try to understand the context in which fake-news develops, the basis for behaviors associated with fake-news and the brain areas and neurotransmitters associated with those behaviors. This webinar is a follow up of the in-person event organized at the FENS Forum 2022 on the same topic. As background, you are encouraged to watch ahead of the live webinar the recording of the in-person event. Watch the recording here or on YouTube. If you have not already, please watch the special interest event organized at the FENS Forum on Why Fake News is So Fascinating to the Brain. You will need to login to your FENS account to watch this recording.
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    Register Here! Mala Murthy will highlight discoveries from her lab on the neural mechanisms and computations underlying social communication in the Drosophila model system and the many parallels with communication strategies in other animals, including humans. She will explain the important role of developing quantitative tools for studying behavior. She will also discuss the choices that led her and her lab down this research path and the role of effective communication in science.
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    Register Here! Over the past seven years, an in situ chemical synthesis approach to biological systems has emerged, in which functional materials are assembled within tissues such as the brain – either constructed throughout the intact tissue (hydrogel-tissue chemistry/HTC), or genetically targeted to cell types (genetically-targeted chemical assembly/GTCA). Resulting hybrid materials are endowed with diverse capabilities, including anchoring and labeling of RNA and protein, in situ sequencing, transparency, reversible size changes, and electrical insulation or conduction.
  6. The newest LATP webinar – Transitioning from Postdoc to Independent Researcher – is available now! View this and other webinars on the LATP Neuronline Collection. After watching the webinar, join Dr. M. Florencia Assaneo as she discusses her journey and answers questions you have about your journey during the live Q&A on Tuesday, March 9 from 2-3pm EST. Register here.
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    Join Dr. Osvaldo Uchitel as he discusses starting and leading a lab - click here to watch. Dr. Osvaldo Uchitel will be hosting a Q&A session via Zoom Wednesday, August 12 from 1-2 pm ET for the latest LATP webinar, “Starting and Leading a Lab.” In preparation for this session, please review the webinar and take note of any questions you have. Register for this Q&A now! Dr. Osvaldo Uchitel is an emeritus member of SfN. Previously, he was the senior researcher in the School of Science at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), where he received his medical and PhD degree in physiology. Osvaldo completed two postdoctoral fellowships, one in the department of anatomy at Case Western Research University in Cleveland, Ohio, and the other in the department of biophysics at University College London, where he studied, with Ricardo Miledi, the properties of acetylcholine receptor channels in human muscles. In 1982, he returned to Argentina to reopen the electrophysiology laboratory in the school of Medicine at the University of Buenos Aires, where he contributed to the understanding of the role of different calcium channels in synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction and at the calyx of held.. Beyond his scientific contributions to the field, Uchitel has also contributed greatly to the field’s development in Latin America through rigorous mentoring and involvement in international societies, including representing the region on SfN’s Global Membership Committee and serving as president of the Federation of Latin American Neuroscience Societies.
  8. Join Dr. Osvaldo Uchitel as he discusses starting and leading a lab - click here to watch. Dr. Osvaldo Uchitel will be hosting a Q&A session via Zoom Wednesday, August 12 from 1-2 pm ET for the latest LATP webinar, “Starting and Leading a Lab.” In preparation for this session, please review the webinar and take note of any questions you have. Register for this Q&A now! Dr. Osvaldo Uchitel is an emeritus member of SfN. Previously, he was the senior researcher in the School of Science at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), where he received his medical and PhD degree in physiology. Osvaldo completed two postdoctoral fellowships, one in the department of anatomy at Case Western Research University in Cleveland, Ohio, and the other in the department of biophysics at University College London, where he studied, with Ricardo Miledi, the properties of acetylcholine receptor channels in human muscles. In 1982, he returned to Argentina to reopen the electrophysiology laboratory in the school of Medicine at the University of Buenos Aires, where he contributed to the understanding of the role of different calcium channels in synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction and at the calyx of held.. Beyond his scientific contributions to the field, Uchitel has also contributed greatly to the field’s development in Latin America through rigorous mentoring and involvement in international societies, including representing the region on SfN’s Global Membership Committee and serving as president of the Federation of Latin American Neuroscience Societies. For more information on Dr. Uchitel, read his interview with Neuronline here - "Inside a Career Built on Perseverance, Curiosity, and Seeking Opportunity."
  9. Dr. Gladys Maestre and Rosa Pirela discuss submitting grant proposals for the NIH - click here to watch. Dr. Gladys Maestre will be hosting a Q&A session via Zoom Wednesday, July 29 from 1:30-2:30 pm ET for the latest LATP webinar, “Grant Proposals for NIH.” In preparation for this session, please review the webinar and take note of any questions you have. Register for this Q&A now! Dr. Gladys Maestre is a professor of Neuroscience at the Rio Grande Valley Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Rosa Pirela is a program coordinator at the Research Center. The Research Center is focused on developing, testing, and implementing health care strategies to improve diagnosis, patient care, and preventing the development of dementia and Alzheimer's in minorities.
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    Dr. Gladys Maestre will be hosting a Q&A session via Zoom Wednesday, July 29 from 1:30-2:30 pm ET for the latest LATP webinar, “Grant Proposals for NIH.” In preparation for this session, please review the webinar and take note of any questions you have. Register for this Q&A now! Dr. Gladys Maestre is a professor of Neuroscience at the Rio Grande Valley Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Rosa Pirela is a program coordinator at the Research Center. The Research Center is focused on developing, testing, and implementing health care strategies to improve diagnosis, patient care, and preventing the development of dementia and Alzheimer's in minorities.
  11. Join Dr. Danielle Beckman, an LATP Alumna, as she discusses her experiences in finding research collaborators at home and abroad. Dr. Beckman is a Postdoctoral Associate at California National Primate Research Center. She received her Bachelor of Pharmacy from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina and her Master's in Biophysics and PhD in Neuroscience from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Questions? Comments? Continue the discussion below!
  12. NRMN Webinar - Mentoring Excellence Webinar Series: Challenges of Mentoring URM (PEER) Trainees in STEM Thursday , March 19 from 10am to 11am CST REGISTER now! “Challenges of Mentoring URM (PEER) Trainees in STEM” You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Mar 19, 2020 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Topic: NRMN Career Development Webinar: “Challenges of Mentoring URM (PEER) Trainees in STEM” Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://unthsc.zoom.us/j/524639233 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16699006833,,524639233# or +16465588656,,524639233# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656 Webinar ID: 524 639 233 International numbers available: https://unthsc.zoom.us/u/adNY7oMST5 The National Research Mentoring Network has partnered with impactful institutions and leaders from Iowa State University and WSSU to share their insight and expertise when obtaining mentorship, giving mentorship, and teaching others how to mentor more inclusively and effectively. This webinar is a segment of a 3 part series that highlighting resources and practices that will lead to enriched mentoring experiences. Be sure to check our NRMN YouTube Chanel to get notifications on these amazing webinars! 10-11amCST February 20th. – “How to Handle More than One Mentor to Achieve Excellence” March 12th – “Power of Saying No” March 19th – “Challenges of Mentoring URM (PEER) Trainees in STEM”Presenters: Antetnor Othrell Hinton Jr., Ph.D. Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow Burroughs Wellcome Fund Postdoctoral Enrichment Scholar NSF AGEP Fellow Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Iowa Department of Internal Medicine Dr. Dale Abel’s Laboratory & Haysetta Shuler Ph.D. Academic and Professional Services First-Year Experience Instructor Pre-Physician Assistant Student Organization Advisor Department of Biological SciencesPlease note that this webinar will be recorded and then placed on the NRMN YouTube channel in the upcoming weeks. Drs. Hinton Jr. & Shuler have graciously agreed to share the slide-deck after the presentation. We have about 10-15 minutes for a Q&A session at the end of the webinar, so please enter your questions in the chat, and we will address them in the Q&A portion.
  13. NRMN Webinar - Mentoring Excellence Webinar Series: The Powering of Saying No Thursday , March 12 from 10am to 11am CST REGISTER now! You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Mar 12, 2020 10:00-11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Topic: NRMN Career Development Webinar: “Power of Saying No” Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://unthsc.zoom.us/j/508649652 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16699006833,,508649652# or +16465588656,,508649652# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656 Webinar ID: 508 649 652 International numbers available: https://unthsc.zoom.us/u/adNY7oMST5 The National Research Mentoring Network has partnered with impactful institutions and leaders from Iowa State University and WSSU to share their insight and expertise when obtaining mentorship, giving mentorship, and teaching others how to mentor more inclusively and effectively. This webinar is a segment of a 3 part series that highlighting resources and practices that will lead to enriched mentoring experiences. Be sure to check our NRMN YouTube Chanel to get notifications on these amazing webinars! 10-11amCST February 20th. – “How to Handle More than One Mentor to Achieve Excellence” March 12th – “Power of Saying No” March 19th – “Challenges of Mentoring URM (PEER) Trainees in STEM”Presenters: Antetnor Othrell Hinton Jr., Ph.D. Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow Burroughs Wellcome Fund Postdoctoral Enrichment Scholar NSF AGEP Fellow Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Iowa Department of Internal Medicine Dr. Dale Abel’s Laboratory & Haysetta Shuler Ph.D. Academic and Professional Services First-Year Experience Instructor Pre-Physician Assistant Student Organization Advisor Department of Biological SciencesPlease note that this webinar will be recorded and then placed on the NRMN YouTube channel in the upcoming weeks. Drs. Hinton Jr. & Shuler have graciously agreed to share the slide-deck after the presentation. We have about 10-15 minutes for a Q&A session at the end of the webinar, so please enter your questions in the chat, and we will address them in the Q&A portion.
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    The next LATP webinar will take place on today, January 31 from 12-1pm ET. Register today! Join Dr. Dilia Aguirre Olivas as she discusses the use of light to study the function of the nervous system. Dr. Dilia Aguirre Olivas is a postdoctoral researcher at the Instituto de Fisiología Celular of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and co-organizer of the 2019 LATP live course at UNAM. If you are unable to attend the live event, be sure to register anyway so you can watch it on demand. If you have any questions, please contact globalaffairs@sfn.org.
  15. Dr. Dilia Aguirre Olivas discusses the use of light to study the function of the nervous system. Dr. Dilia Aguirre Olivas is a postdoctoral researcher at the Instituto de Fisiología Celular of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and co-organizer of the 2019 LATP live course at UNAM. Questions? Comments? Continue the discussion below!
  16. Neurobiology of Disease Webinar and Live Chat | July 12, 2018 If you receive an error message after logging in, please refresh your browser and try to log in again a few times to override the error. Advances in gene therapy have propelled the field into the clinical realm, and new medical treatment options are beginning to offer help in neurological diseases long thought to be incurable. In this webinar on July 12, select faculty from the 2017 Neurobiology of Disease Workshop will continue the discussion on: Gene targeted therapies for spinal muscular atrophy. Gene addition in hematopoietic stem-cells for leukodystrophies. Adeno-associated virus gene delivery for neurological disease. After the scientific presentations, join the speakers @csumner1 @miguel.esteves @breakefield in the replies below for a live chat. Feel free to leave your questions in the Neuronline Community in advance of the live chat. * Register now Watch the Webinar: July 12, 1:00 p.m. EDT Join the Live Chat: July 12, 1:45 p.m. EDT Can’t attend live? Register to watch on-demand. *Current and inactive SfN members log in using SfN.org information. non-SfN members create a new account. In the live chat: Charlotte Sumner, PhD Charlotte J. Sumner is a professor of neurology and neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Miguel Sena Esteves, PhD Miguel Sena Esteves is an associate professor in the department of neurology at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Xandra O. Breakefield, PhD Xandra O. Breakefield is a professor in the department of neurology at Harvard Medical School and a geneticist in neurology and radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital. Link back to webinar
  17. Neuroscientists are now collecting datasets of unprecedented scale thanks to technological advances. Yet, there are many unanswered questions that must be addressed to keep moving the field forward. In this webinar moderated by Gardiner von Trapp, panelists Michael Miller, Richard Myers, and Pascal Wallisch will discuss: -What types of research problems can a data-science approach solve? -How will neuroscientists analyze large-scale data sets most effectively, and with what tools? -What training challenges do mentors and trainees face for implementing large-scale data science practices? -What skills are valuable for neuroscientists to have to successfully understand and adopt this approach? Register now to learn why a data-science approach is an exciting horizon in neuroscience research, and what it means for training, whether you are a PI, professor, or trainee. Link back to webinar
  18. Tune into this webinar, featuring three experts with unique perspectives, to learn about the progression of animal models, including discussions of improved treatment; successes of regulation, including APHIS regulations and the three Rs; and the current status of animal rights. Link back to webinar
  19. Brain malformations, especially those affecting the cerebral cortex, are common causes of intellectual disability and epilepsy. Recent advances in genetics, imaging, and cell biology have substantially increased our knowledge of the mechanisms underlying cortical development and how it can go awry. Link back to webinar
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