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  1. The Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab has put together a summer professional development series for undergraduates and recent grads in psychology/neuroscience that are interested in careers in academia. The free, virtual workshops are intended for students from backgrounds that are underrepresented in higher education. Students can register here. Download a flyer: SSNL Prof Dev_ Summer 2020 Flier.pdf
  2. Amanda Labuza

    First Day of Post-Doc

    My first day of work will be in a lab I have never seen, and I have no idea what to expect. How do you start a new job during a pandemic? If you followed my dissertation writing blog, you know I graduated at the very beginning of the COVID-19 quarantine. Luckily, I was still able to get a post-doc position during this time. Unfortunately, because of the pandemic I wasn't able to do an on site interview, so while the people were great when I met them at the SfN conference, I don't really know much about this position. Anyone have any advice? What is it like to transition from grad student to post-doc? Has anyone else had new people recently join their lab? How have you been able to train them with most labs working at limited capacity? Any advice is appreciated.
  3. Visit https://ibro.org/latin-america/# for more information. Short Stays Grant Amount: Up to 1,200 EUR IBRO-LARC provides funding for short (2 weeks to 6 months) research/training lab visits within the Latin American region. Candidates should not be older than 40 years of age. Priority will be given to doctoral students and postdocs who wish to attend a foreign lab within the region and who plan to link their lab stay with attendance at a course or congress. When the short lab stay is linked to attendance to a course or congress, an application for an IBRO-LARC Travel Grant must also be submitted. Applications for activities within the applicant’s own country will be considered only if adequately justified. Applicants must supply an activity plan, a letter of support from his or her director – specifically for the proposed activities – and a letter of acceptance from the host institution. Applications must be submitted online. Emailed material will not be accepted. Travel Grants Grant Amount: Up to 1,200 EUR IBRO-LARC provides funding for attending courses/workshops or for presenting results at meetings within the Latin American region.* Candidates should not be older than 40 years of age. Priority will be given to doctoral students and postdocs who are also planning a short stay in a lab. Application Restrictions 1) Applicants that have previously received an IBRO-LARC Travel Grant will only be eligible for another grant after a 3-year interval. 2) Only one applicant from the same lab and director working on the same subject will be accepted. 3) Travel grant applicants are classified into 2 categories: – Graduate Students/ PhD candidates: For students under 35 years old. – Postdoctoral students: Under 40 years old. *Please note that there is a FALAN biennial meeting on even years and IBRO normally supports it with travel grants. Exchange Fellowships Grant Amount: Up to 2,500 EUR This program includes financial assistance for advanced PhD students to perform short (2 weeks to 6 months) stays in countries outside the region to perform experiments allowing them to complete their thesis. This program was formed in response to the difficult financial situation of many countries within the region which has negatively impacted on all scientific activities. This programs aims to help students who would not be able to complete their PhD studies in their home country due to the economic situation of their laboratory. Schools Grant Amount: up to 20,000 EUR per school IBRO-LARC evaluates possible funding for Schools targeted to advanced students and young researchers in the field of neuroscience throughout Latin America. This activity should foster cooperation among regional neuroscientists (students and researchers). Failure to incorporate participants from the region seriously forfeits chances for approval. Within 60 days after the activity, the coordinator must submit a report on the event and the use of IBRO funds. Short Courses, Workshops and Symposia Grant Amount: Up to 3,500 EUR per course IBRO-LARC evaluates possible funding for basic neuroscience courses, workshops and symposia taking place within the region. Proposed activities should foster cooperation among regional neuroscientists (students and researchers). Failure to incorporate participants from the region seriously forfeits chances for approval. Contact any LARC member if you have doubts about your proposal. Within 60 days after the activity, the coordinator must submit a report on the event and the use of IBRO funds. PROLAB The PROLAB program seeks to foster scientific collaboration and development of human resources among Latin American and Caribbean Neuroscience research groups. PROLAB uses the neuroscience network of the region and provides economic support to joint research projects. Its main goal is to diminish the asymmetries in the development of the Neurosciences in the continent, thus allowing established research groups to set up collaboration with emerging groups and also opening a space for horizontal collaboration among established groups within the region. The scientific collaborations are supported through grants for research missions (exchange trips by doctoral and postdoctoral students, as well as faculty from the participating institutions) that plan to work on scientific questions specifically defined in the project application. More program details here. Please send all queries to the IBRO-LARC Chair: Dr. Cecilia Bouzat Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas Bahia Blanca, Argentina inbouzat[at]criba.edu.ar Global Engagement Seed Grants Grant Amount: Up to 5,000 Euros IBRO awards global engagement seed grants to support neuroscience or brain-related scientific organizations (including societies, institutions, research and university groups, etc.) with some outreach/advocacy experience in Africa, Asia/Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East and the Pan-European region who would like to conduct engagement, awareness, outreach and/or advocacy activities in their local areas. The projects should address the specific needs in the country where they are being held. They can include public lectures and public fairs; advocacy events with policymakers, educators, the media and the public; the development of educational videos or multimedia products to increase awareness; and other similar activities. Please note that Global Engagement Seed Grants are NOT for scientific research, scientific meetings, travel grants or research staff support. An itemized budget request is required for consideration. IBRO/Dana Brain Awareness Week (BAW) Grants Grant Amount: Up to 1,250 USD IBRO/Dana Brain Awareness Week (BAW) Grants aim to educate the public about the benefits of neuroscience research and increase awareness about the brain in order to address the need to increase opportunities for outreach and awareness campaigns in regions challenged by a lack of resources, support and/or public understanding about the brain. The grants will support projects organized for Brain Awareness Week in countries anywhere outside of Europe, USA and Canada. It is not a requirement that proposed projects take place during the official Brain Awareness Week (in March every year). However, they must support, promote and run under the title of the global Brain Awareness Week campaign.
  4. Looking for breaking neuroscience news in the Latin American region? Want to find out about grant opportunities for Latin American researchers? Eager to link up with other Latin American researchers and build the Latin American neuroscience community? The IBRO-LARC Facebook family features the best of Latin American neuroscience, brain-related research, inspiring science stories, career opportunities and much more. We look forward to connecting with you and welcoming your engagement in building the Latin American neuroscience community into a strong and supportive research network.
  5. This live chat was led by Dr. Silmara de Lima, a postdoctoral researcher at Benowitz Lab (Children’s Hospital - Harvard University), who discussed how to land a position abroad (outside of Latin America). She has been investigating regeneration of axons in the central nervous system (CNS) since 2007 when she started her Master in Brazil, and pursued this topic during her PhD training as well, which was begun in Brazil and continued at Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Dr. Lima was joined by Victor Fattori, MSc (wrapping up his PhD), from Londrina State University - Department of Pathology, Parana - Brazil. He did part of his PhD training at Boston Children’s Hospital - Harvard Medical School. He works with the pharmacology of pain and already got a position here for his post doc and will come back as soon as he finishes his PhD. View a recording of this live chat here Download the PowerPoint presentation - LATP - How to land a position abroad (outside Latin America).pptx (1.4 MB) SfN International Resources and Awards.pdf (107.6 KB) Dr. Silmara de Lima - Silmara.DeLima@childrens.harvard.edu Victor Fattori, MSc - vfattori@uel.br
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